When asking AI to generate feedback, you need to tell the AI:

Save time and move writing growth forward with AI-suggested comments that are targeted, actionable, and drive better revision. This allows you to easily give feedback that helps students when they need it most: in the moment.

There are limitations. I find that AI feedback often misses inconsistencies in plot when students are writing narratives. It also overlooks redundancy and does not always catch contradictions. It will not suggest large organizational moves, like cutting a specific paragraph or moving it to another part of the text. My students often still need their peers or me to make these kinds of observations and suggestions.

I am finding that giving my students access to immediate AI feedback is making a difference in their writing, as well as their engagement with the writing process. Students who would have declared themselves done after writing a short paragraph now have instant access to the kind of feedback that motivates them to revise and keep going. I’m able to sit longer with individual students who need my help because the AI is able to help others.

Using AI Tools to Give Feedback on High School Students Writing

We still do peer review, and I still leave additional feedback when needed. I’m also finding that the AI feedback actually improves my relationship with students. Before AI feedback, sometimes students took my constructive criticism about their writing as a personal insult, or they thought I was being mean because I pointed out their errors. No one likes having someone else point out flaws in their work, and many students feel vulnerable in the writing classroom. AI feedback has changed that dynamic in my classroom. Students view AI as more objective, and they don’t take AI feedback personally. Now, I’m not the one hovering over their writing with my metaphorical red pen; instead, I’m the teacher who can help them improve it.

CoGrader also provides detailed analytics on class performance, enabling teachers to track progress and identify areas needing improvement.

RevisionAid gives on-demand feedback and revision suggestions to improve writing.

This feature is being revamped and will be back shortly!

In just a few minutes teachers can access AI suggested feedback on any past or current piece of student work, including Word Docs and Google Classroom assignments.

How Teachers Can Use AI to Provide Effective Essay Feedback

Tom’s Take: CoGrader is intuitive and well organized, and a great companion to Google Classroom. Teachers will appreciate its simplicity and seamless integration with the Google ecosystem. But, keep in mind that it needs clear context to be effective.

How to use AI to Generate Student Feedback | Hong Kong TESOL

More specifically, Canvas offers four different types of quizzes: A graded quiz, practice quiz, graded survey, and ungraded survey. Canvas also offers a SpeedGrader feature, which enables instructors to view and grade student assignment submissions in one place and also accepts a range of document types. Some of these document formats can be marked up for feedback directly within Canvas. So, you can provide feedback to your students on essays and other types of written work. Moreover, teachers can create text, video, and/or audio commentary for students. The Canvas Gradebook stores student results, measuring both letter grades and “course outcomes”.

Giving Feedback on AI Writing Feedback

Features: AI Grader can grade short-answer questions and longer forms of writing such as essays and reports. It can also provide feedback and comments on the student’s work, highlighting the errors and suggestions. It provides suggestions on how to make the essay writing more effective and checks the essay for plagiarism, readability, word count, vocabulary, and tone.

Streamline Grading with Personalized AI Feedback Tools for Teachers

Make feedback more actionable with AI suggestions delivered to teachers as the writing happens. Target specific areas for improvement with powerful, rubric-aligned comments, and save grading time with AI-generated draft scores.

The Potential of AI Feedback to Improve Student Writing

Smodin offers a variety of other features that can help students and teachers improve their writing skills. These include an AI paragraph rewriter, plagiarism and AI content detection tools, and a citation machine that automatically generates citations in MLA and APA formats. Smodin also offers a multilingual grammar checker that can check grammatical errors in 30+ content types, including essays, letters, legal documents, and blogs.