1 389 Words and Phrases for Then
Another word that can be used at beginning of the conclusion is the . Meaning "in the end" or "at the end of the day," it can be used as a conclusion to both informal and formal papers or articles:
You should use transition words throughout your essay, paper, or article to guide your reader through your ideas towards your conclusion. ProWritingAid’s tells you how many transition words you’ve used throughout your document so you can make sure you’re supporting your readers’ understanding.
For example, it is particularly useful in scientific or business papers where you want to sum up your points, and then even have a call to action:
31 Synonyms and Antonyms for Then
The key is to choose ones which suit the tone of the paper. Here we will look at both formal options for an essay or academic paper, and informal options for light-hearted, low key writing, or speeches.
The authors show you how to acquire communicative rigor in research essays, reports, book and article reviews, exam papers, research proposals, and literature reviews, through to thesis writing, posters and papers for presentation and publication.
first, second, third, and so forth, next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon
Transitional words are like bridges between parts of your essay. They are cues that help the reader interpret your ideas. Transitional words or phrases help carry your thoughts forward from one sentence to another and one paragraph to another. Finally, transitional words link sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas.
100+ Synonyms & Antonyms for JUST THEN
Hello, kinda a writing for fun here, but I would like to improve my writing (ofcourse) and I've noticed an overabundance of the word "then" in my narrations, does anyone know of a good replacement word for then?
Thesaurus for Just then ; Synonyms
Bad habit of mine while writing is I use “then” at the beginning of sentences far too often and I’m yet to find words to use instead with the same or similar meaning. It shouldn’t sound too formal nor too blunt. Any ideas? I guess, I’m just stuck.
What is another word I can use instead of another reason in an essay?
If your sentences and paragraphs are written in active voice, and they are tightly constructed, your reader will follow your sequence easily, without need for the linking words you asked about.
Than vs. Then – The Correct Way to Use Each | Confusing Words
Transitional words and phrases show the relationships between the partsof a sentence, between the sentences in a paragraph, or between the paragraphs in a longer piece of writing (i.e., an essay, short story, novel, magazine article, etcetera).