Essay about Galileo Galilei - 2120 Words - Bartleby
Galileo used this great invention to report astronomical facts such as the moon is cover with craters instead of being smooth, the Milky Way is composed of millions of stars, and Jupiter have four moons. Perhaps the most famous discovery is the Earth revolves around the Sun and the Earth is not the center of the universe (even though he was discredited at the time).
Once a courtier, Galileo entered into several debates on scientifictopics. In 1612, he published a Discourse on Floating Bodies,and in 1613, Letters on Sunspots, where he first openlyexpressed support for Copernican heliocentrism. In 1613–14,Galileo entered into discussions of Copernicanism through his studentBenedetto Castelli, and wrote a Letter to Castellidefending the doctrine from theological objections. Meanwhile, ithad become known that Copernicanism was under scrutiny by Churchauthorities. Galileo lectured and lobbied against its condemnation,expanding his Letter to Castelli into the widelycirculated Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina in 1615and travelling to Rome late that year. Nevertheless, in March 1616,Copernicus’s On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbswas suspended (i.e., temporarily censored), pending correction,by the Congregation of the Index of Prohibited Books. Galileo himselfwas called to an audience with Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, a leadingtheologian and member of the Roman Inquisition, who admonished him notto teach or defend Copernican theory. (The details of this episode arefar from straightforward, and remain disputed even today. See Shea andArtigas 2003; Fantoli 2005.)
In Padua, Galileo worked out much of the mechanics he would publishlater in life, and which constitute his primary lastingcontribution to physical science. However, these projects wereinterrupted in 1609, when Galileo heard about the recently inventedspyglass, invented an improved telescope, and used it to makeastounding celestial discoveries. He rushed these into print inSidereus Nuncius (Starry Messenger), which appearedin March 1610 and launched Galileo onto the world stage. Among others,Johannes Kepler, Imperial Mathematician at Prague, lauded the work(Kepler 1610). Clavius and his colleagues at the Collegio Romanoconfirmed its results and threw a celebratory banquet when Galileovisited in 1611. During the same Roman sojourn, Galileo was admittedto what was perhaps the first scientific society, the Accademia deiLincei; he would style himself “Lincean Academician” forthe rest of his life. Some fascinating treatments of this periodof Galileo’s life and motivations have recently appeared(Biagioli 2006; Reeves 2008; Wilding 2014).
Galileo Galilei Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas - PapersOwl
In 1623, Galileo published The Assayer, which deals withthe nature of comets and argues they are sublunary phenomena. Thisbook includes some of Galileo’s most famous methodologicalpronouncements, including the claim that the book of nature is writtenin the language of mathematics. It also contains passages suggestiveof atomism, a heretical doctrine, for which the book was referred tothe Inquisition, which dismissed the charge.
Also in 1623, Maffeo Barberini, Galileo’s supporter and friend,was elected Pope Urban VIII. Galileo felt empowered to begin work onhis Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. The“two systems” are the Ptolemaic and Copernican, and thetext clearly, though not explicitly, favors the latter. Printing wascompleted in Florence by February 1632. Shortly afterwards, theInquisition banned its sale, and Galileo was ordered to Rome fortrial. In June 1633, Galileo was convicted of “vehementsuspicion of heresy,” and a sentence of imprisonment wasimmediately commuted to perpetual house arrest. (There is more aboutthese events and their implications in the final section of this article, .)
Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564, in Pisa, Italy. He was a mathematics professor who made pioneering observations of nature with long-lasting implications for the study of physics. Galileo constructed a machine that changed everything in astronomy, the telescope, and this supported the Copernican theory. In 1600, Galileo met Marina Gamba, a Venetian woman, who gave him three children. The daughters were Virginia and Livia, and son Vincenzo.
Galileo who was a teacher in astronomy, geometry and mechanics, made so many discoveries in many scientific fields. He was able to prove that the Sun does not move around the Earth but instead, it was the Earth that moved around the Sun defending the Copernican theory. He developed the theory of the tides to prove that the Earth moved around the Sun. According to him, the tides resulted from the sloshing back and forward of water in the oceans and seas at a point on the Earth’s surface where it is accelerated and slowed down as the Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun (Drake(a) 23). He observed that the depth and shapes of ocean basins as well as their sizes accounted for the differences in tides.
Galileo | Biography, Discoveries, Inventions, & Facts - Britannica
After leaving university, Galileo worked as a private mathematicstutor around Florence and Siena and cultivated the support of leadingmathematicians. He visited Christoph Clavius, professor at the JesuitCollegio Romano, and corresponded with the engineer Guildobaldo delMonte, Marchese of Urbino. In 1588, he applied and was turned down fora professorship in Bologna, but a year later, with the help of Claviusand del Monte, he was appointed lecturer in mathematics at Pisa. In1592, he obtained, at a much higher salary, a chair of mathematics atthe University of Padua, in the Venetian Republic. Galileo alsosupplemented his income by producing a calculating instrument of hisown design (see Galilei 1606) and other devices in a householdworkshop, and by private tutoring and consulting on practicalmathematics and engineering. During this period, he began arelationship with Marina Gamba, and their daughter Virginia was bornin 1600. In 1601, they had another daughter, Livia, and a son,Vincenzo, in 1606.
Galileo and the Telescope | Modeling the Cosmos | Digital Collections
His telescopic explorations revolutionized astronomy and paved the way for the Copernican heliocentric paradigm to be confirmed, nonetheless. Many consider Galileo the Father of Modern Science because of his beneficiation to mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, and physics. However, his estranging views, which influence how people see and interpret the solar system, led to a long-running quarrel with the Catholic Church and the repression of his accomplishment. Although none of Galileo’s innovations are underappreciated, none is more well-known than his telescope; hence the essay will explore his contribution to science, opposition, and role in modern science.
Galileo Galilei and His Role in the Scientific Revolution Essay
Certainly Vincenzo did not like the idea and resisted strongly but eventually he gave way a little and Galileo was able to study the works of and from the Italian translations which had made.
Galileo Galilei - Biography, Theories and Inventions - BYJUS
Galileo had believed that Mathematics was the key to understanding nature since he was an empiricist as he based his conclusions on the evidences that he studied. He rejected the way other philosophers had made their conclusions. He disagreed with Aristotelian assumption which had specified that each material body has a position which is in the order of things therefore the motion of objects should be explained in terms of natural tendency of every body to try to find its own place.