50 Words or Less: Writing Short Essays for College Apps
This is a classic extracurricular essay, but in 50 words. You’ll find a really in-depth step-by-step guide , with specific advice for the 150-word format (plus some really great examples) towards the end. I recommend using that post to guide you as you’re writing.
Don’t tell your English teacher, but incomplete sentences can be totally cool here. Because the essays you write for college applications aren’t as formal as the academic writing you’ve likely done in your English classes, you can play a little with things like sentence fragments, punctuation, and “weird” words. This writer begins with phrases rather than complete sentences, and it works well! It creates a cool rhythm to the writing and hooks you in right away.
My late grandfather practised Traditional Chinese Medicine, treating families who couldn’t afford Western hospitals. Skipping lunch, squeezing in critical-care patients, and sacrificing his health, he taught me about social impact since kindergarten. I wish to sit beside him—penning poems before sunrise—and ask how he stayed compassionate, devoted and driven throughout. (50 words)
50 word essay tomorrow Aware hackerCD : r/forsen
Welcome to the second part in our four-part supplement series! We have a bunch of that dig into specific supplements, but we get a lot of questions from students about how to address the word limits in their supplements more generally, so we decided to dig in, go deep, and help you write the best supplements you possibly can.
That said, if you are looking for specific information on how to tackle the supplement for your dream school, ! We’d love to help you out. In the meantime, here is the low-down on how to score high marks for your 50-word answers.
Imagery, imagery, imagery. When you have such limited word space, using language that is evocative and descriptive is key when trying to make use of each and every word. This student appeals to our sense of smell, to the things we see around us, and to the feelings we get when we occupy a space with other people. And all of this happens in 50 words. Think carefully about your word choice, make sure each one serves a purpose, and use those words to paint a picture for your reader.
Avoid the obvious. There are certain historical events that will pop up again and again in student responses to this prompt, and you don’t want yours to get lost in that noise. Even if you REALLY wish you could have been there to see the Declaration of Independence being signed, our guess is that you won’t be the only one to write about that. Think about an historical event that you can somehow tie to a broader issue/idea. In this response, the writer brilliantly connects the shopping habits of George Washington to thoughts about leadership. Who would have thought? But it works perfectly!
i swear 50 words is like 3 sentences lmao an essay?
That’s would be a big question to answer in 50-words, which is exactly why writing short is hard. There isn’t room to explore and then to find your way home and there is no space to stray away from the point, so please don’t try to.
Easy Guide To Writing A Killer 250 Word Essay (W
Besides tinkering on Playflow and two Stanford papers, I designed websites raising $500 for Thai children and developed business plans for my COVID-prevention app, Securus. I gave talks twice at Singapore Management University’s Cloud Computing class and organised the YFS@SG competition. I also relished street-food-hopping with my family in Singapore. (50 words)
A Step-by-Step 250-Word Essay Example
First, though, Bowdoin example aside, definitely use complete sentences and real words. 50-words is tight but don’t go throwing IMHO in there, and not just because we are ideologically opposed to that phrase. Fact: an opinion isn’t humble if you’re going out of your way to share it.
I have a 50 word essay due tomorrow
The closest thing I have found is the minor assignment, a 50-word sentence covering the week’s reading. Employed frequently—I schedule from perhaps four in a typical undergraduate seminar to as many as nine in an upper-division lecture—minor assignments are the most effective means I know for teaching students the quintessential communicative skill: get to the point!
Make an essay with minimum of fifty (50) words and
A single-sentence exercise with a finite word limit counters students’ proclivity for aerating their prose with superfluities. Given at most 50 words, they must distill their arguments’ fundamentals and phrase them concisely, for, as my syllabus warns, the 51st word and its successors face a terrible fate. (I have been known to cut out extraneous verbiage and turn the tattered remnant into a paper airplane—a practice proved sound pedagogically if not aerodynamically.)
Each short essay has a word limit of 50 words
If possible, clarify what the idea is in the first 50 words (some students wait too long to clarify and the essay feels vague as a result, as we’re not sure what to focus on).