Age-gap relationships are not socially constructed, but have evolved.
Age-gap relationships are just like normal relationships and should, according to evolution, be the social norm though due to social influences this is not the case.
You should not discourage an age-gap relationship unless you know for an absolute fact that it would be damaging to one or both parties, you may find that age-gap relationships are a wonderful positive experience.
“It’s possible for two people at different ages – even with a 20 or 30 year age gap – to be equally “mature,” however you define the term.”(Anisman-Reiner 2008)Everyone growing up has heard that girls mature faster than boys, and it makes sense that this would make it easier for age-gap relationships to work and last.
The Relationships Between Age Gaps.
Due to the different rates at which boys and girls mature, age-gap relationships could even be considered ideal to insure the survival of a relationship.
Nobody likes to be picked-on especially for something that makes them happy, so we should follow the golden rule “Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.” Age-gap relationships should be looked at for what they are, not what they seem.
Parents are often worried that when and if their young son or daughter enters into a age-gap relationship, that the older partner will exploit them for sex and not truly love them, or that the partner is closer in age to themselves than their child.
“Although men and women report a preference for and openness to age gaps in their own relationships, they typically disapprove of age gaps in others’ relationships.” (Lehmiller and Agnew 2008) Why would you be willing to consider something for yourself, but then tell your friend that they shouldn’t do it?
I Have an Age-Gap Marriage, and My Parents Do, Too
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Criticism that age-gap relationships receive are based on extreme instances.
Age Gap Relationships: The Case for Marrying an Older Man - The Cut
A survey of 14000 adults states in ‘A Guide to Family Issues: The Marriage Advantage’ that marriage was a pertinent factor contributing to happiness and satisfaction with forty percent of the married individuals being happy as opposed to 25 percent of either single or cohabiting individuals. The same study shows that ninety eight percent of never married respondents wished to marry and out of those 88% believed that it should be a lifelong commitment. Even though, divorce rates are rising numerous researches show that young people aspire to have a lasting marriage.
That Viral Essay Wasnt About Age Gaps
Lundberg, Pollak, and Sterns (2015) article is about rising divorce, gender wage gap and variation in marriage and unmarried living arrangements. They used US Census data, Child Trends data bank and National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health and 2007–2013 Current Population Survey data. They have discovered, women with high educational attainment to marry first than women with lower educational attainment. They found some difference in cohabitation between upper and lower education. Individuals with college education living in cohabitation for 1.5 years to be married, and people with less education at 2 years. The gender wage gap has declined over 4 decades and closer to equal pay. The pay inequality between men and women is
There is an old adage “Don’t judge a book by its cover” and I feel that more people should follow this, not only when dealing with age-gap relationships but when dealing with all situations in which it is not as it appears.
The Cut: The Case for Marrying an Older Man : r/blogsnark - Reddit
Because marriages with a large age gap are in a minority and go against social norms, popular culture and scientific research often see them as abnormal and look for rationalizations as to why such unusual couples exist.