Moffitt, Kimberly, : Education Inequality. 2013. Web.

Socioeconomic status can be defined in terms of family wealth and assets as well as educational background. For this reason, many comparisons can be made between socioeconomic status and education. Furthermore, academic achievement and the level of education reached by an individual, is determined by socioeconomic status. Research has shown that environmental circumstances and family issues greatly influence a child's future because the impact of the socioeconomic status depends on the level to which an individual becomes successful in life. Research also shows that family conditions can impact a child’s education and their quality of life. For example, being raised in a high-economic culture increases the chances that a child will attend

This paper explores the way social inequality affects schooling. In a classroom setting, one student can be treated unequally just because of their race, ethnic background or religion. Taking notes from Purcell- Gates and Boykin, A.W. & Noguera, P., the topics of ethnicity and the achievement gap will be discussed in the event that all students should be treated equal. Also bringing in the topic of the “No Child Left Behind Act” introduced by former president George W. Bush in 2001 and was signed into law in 2002. For a long time, social inequality places a negative effect on schools around the country. The common urban verse suburban educational battle has been going on for way to long and there is a fix that needs to be made.

This paper explores the way social inequality affects schooling. In a classroom setting, one student can be treated unequally just because of their race, ethnic background or religion. Taking notes from Purcell- Gates and Boykin, A.W. & Noguera, P., the topics of ethnicity and the achievement gap will be discussed in the event that all students should be treated equal. Also bringing in the topic of the “No Child Left Behind Act” introduced by former president George W. Bush in 2001 and was signed into law in 2002. For a long time, social inequality places a negative effect on schools around the country. The common urban verse suburban educational battle has been going on for way to long and there is a fix that needs to be made.

Inequality In Education Analysis Education Essay.

It is correct to state that most teachers sort learners using grade, whereby bright students are placed together and the slow learners are placed in the lower tracks. Despite the fact that the tracking promotes development of individual abilities of the bright students the theorists dispute that it perpetuates education inequality by categorizing students into fast and slow learners. Notably, there are other factors that affect the track into which they are locked (Hannan par. 5).

The conflict theorists argue that learning enhances social inequality. It is important to note that the application of tracking and standardized examinations have impacted negatively on the provision of education (Harcourt par. 13). Although the curriculum that is used to teach in both institutions is the same, there is a wide difference in terms of funding and the learning conditions, which results in learning disparity (Harcourt par. 14). Learning disparity contributes to social inequality in the society.

In real sense, there has been the presentation of journal materials which have been able to provide a lot of data describing the inequality in education.

In addition, education establishes peer relations and lowers unemployment by ensuring that those who complete their studies are free from the labor force (Moffitt par. 9). However, challenges in education institutions have created in education inequality. The theory states that challenges harm the community because they hinder it from performing its functions (Moffitt par. 12).

Inequality in Education Essays & Research Papers

Many people believe that “having an economy that places a greater value on skills and education is a good thing” and that is the thing that is needed to improve people’s lives and futures (Baicker, Lazear). If what our economy is trying to do a good thing they why are so many students still suffering? The main issues are the low-income education that many students have. Many schools are getting money from the government but that is not enough to pay for everything students need. Educational standards have continued to increase throughout the years but that does not help the students who are unable to pay for the better education. These students who cannot pay for the better education are stuck barely getting by with a low education. A low-education can affect many areas of regular schooling. The students who are at low-income schools do not know what type of disadvantage they have compared to other students across the country. These students believe that they are getting the best education, but there are many students who are getting a better education at a school that has the funds to pay for everything their students need. Low-income students are suffering due to the environment they are in at school and they continue to suffer throughout their life due to it. These students will continue to suffer unless something is done about the low-income schools and improve them for the future. Improvement has to come from all areas, not just one aspect of schooling but from all aspects. Although education has improved along with technology many low-income students still suffer from the vast inequalities. These inequalities will take many years to find a way to fix and even more years to actually fix, until this happens the students will...

Three essays on education inequality

Different theories have different views about education. According to structural functionalism, education concentrates on socializing individuals and transmitting cultures (Moffitt par. 6). It states that education classifies people into different classes, creating social inequality. Evidently, it focuses on establishing means of controlling people within a society. Inequality in education classifies children placing them in different categories.

Inequality In Education Analysis Education Essay

Ethnic backgrounds, social status, and the colors of the learners determine the locks into which they are placed. In addition, the proponents of this theory contend that tests that are used to, enhancing disparity in education. The difference in quality education is brought about by the fact that schools are unequal, and this inequality helps to maintain the disparities in schools, especially in urban areas (Income inequality, schooling, and educational outcomes).