Brainstorming for a college essay : r/ApplyingToCollege

You’ve probably heard “show, don’t tell” from an English teacher at some point in your many years of English classes ( for more about this sometimes frustrating comment), but for your college essays, you want to show AND tell. You have limited space in which to tell your story, and your reader may be reading quickly, so it is important to make use of that space by using great showing detail and then also telling your reader what it is you showed them.

Write one paragraph of your essay where you connect the dots between the specific example of your activity to give insight about your expertise. Take the notes above and satisfy the journalist hovering over your shoulder, wanting to know how this activity shows certain kinds of values in your expertise, and why this expertise matters in other parts of your life. Show an admissions officer the types of skills, interests, and values you will be bringing to campus.

Now it’s your turn. Copy and paste the questions to get started. We use a similar brainstorming process with all the students we work with, and it’s a surefire way to find the right college essay topic for you. Once your brainstorm is done, check out the college essay writing guide or the Essay Academy to transform your brainstorm from a rough topic to a full-blown essay.

7 Common App Essay Brainstorming Exercises (2024-25)

See how easy that was? They’re quick answers that are rich with description and ideas. When you write your own, it’ll be the kindling for your college essay.

I always had my students start with absolutely NO pressure, NO requirements, and NO limits. It's something called "freewriting:" Just write whatever comes to mind, for a set length of time, without trying to edit yourself or come up with something enlightened. Often, when you take some of the pressure off yourself, THAT'S when you actually get to something interesting and unique.

Look at the values you brainstormed for the . What does this activity show that I value? About people, places, things? Feelings? How many different values does this hobby contain?

Develop your top two to four choices to see which is best. Unless you feel very strongly about one of your top choices, the only way to really know which of your best ideas is the perfect one is to try actually making them into essays. For each one, go through the steps listed in the next section of the article under "Find Your Idea's Narrative." Then, use your best judgment (and maybe that of your parents, teachers, or school counselor) to figure out which one to draft into your personal statement.

How to brainstorm for college application essay (Common ..

What skills of mine does this activity show? For example, if you sell vintage coins on eBay, you might say, “I flex my business savvy when dealing with customers on eBay, knowing when to hold firm on certain prices and when to negotiate.” Or if you garden, you might say, “I know from all my reading and talking to other gardeners when and how to grow a healthy crop of calendula and how to create healing salves and medicinal tea.”

How to BRAINSTORM Ideas for Your COMMON APP Essays

The “Non-negotiables” Exercise is another one that lets you just get something down on paper without worrying about structure, grammar, or even writing in complete sentences (which are things you shouldn’t worry about until much later in the writing process). This one is also pretty short (just 5 minutes). At the top of your screen, type the question, “what could I not live without?” Then spend the next five minutes listing these non-negotiables, and reflecting a bit on why (hint: How do they connect to your core values?). Remember that this is different from the Essence Object Exercise as this one asks you to focus on intangible things like comfort, adventure, security.

25 College Essay Brainstorming Questions

As for the time required to write your college essay, it depends on your writing skills, and the complexity of the topic. I would recommended to start working on your essay at least 2 months before the application deadline. This timeframe will give you ample time for brainstorming, drafting, and revising your work, as well as seeking feedback from your teachers, tutors, peers,and family!

How To Brainstorm Topics For The College Admissions Essay

The 21 Details Exercise is a straightforward and effective activity that allows you to just list random facts about yourself without having to worry about organization. Don’t overthink this one! Just list the first 21 things that come to mind. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll reveal about yourself with this list. Click for more about this brainstorming activity.

College Essay Brainstorming: 4 Exercises to Think Outside the Box

Starting your college application essay involves a lot of self-reflection! Once you choose your prompt, begin from there. Starting early– not cramming, but dedicating sufficient time and taking plenty of breaks throughout the process will help you craft a memorable personal statement for the Common App. If you need any assistance with any stage in the process, please send me a message. Best of luck, I believe in you!