How to Cite a Dictionary in MLA Style

84.The first example above, taken from our , is for the online edition of the Oxford English Dictionary; the second is for the print edition.In the text of your work, provide a parenthetical citation that includes the term and the definition number:

Here, heavy does not mean overweight, as we might think, but probably “ponderous and slow in intellectual processes; wanting in facility, vivacity, or lightness” (“Heavy,” def.

When there is a definition number, use the term in double quotation marks followed by the abbreviation “def.” and the number as styled in the dictionary. Separate the definition entry word from the definition number with a comma.

Since a dictionary does not have an author, when you are citing an entry, be sure to use the title of the entry within the in-text citation. Use the word “def” to denote definition, and include the definition number that you are referring to.

How to cite a dictionary in APA Style

You’ll often cite words that can occupy a few different parts of speech and which have several definitions. The MLA dictionary entry citation guide makes room for these variations:

To cite a dictionary in MLA style, you need to have basic information including the entry’s headword (as it appears), part of speech, the title of the dictionary, and when applicable, the URL. If the definition lists multiple possible definitions, you also need to include the definition number. Templates for an in-text citation and a works-cited-list reference for an online dictionary entry are given below, with examples:

Parts of speech tell you which job a word does in a sentence. If the word you’re citing can be used as two or more parts of speech, include the exact definition in your title of entry along with the abbreviated part of speech in italics and double quotation marks. The MLA dictionary entry citation guide has abbreviations for all eight parts of speech. These are denoted between the word and its definition in most dictionaries.

The in-text MLA dictionary entry citation structure includes the title shortened to the word in quotation marks. If you want to refer to a particular definition of the word within the dictionary entry that you are citing, include the definition number as shown in the example.

How To Cite The Oxford English Dictionary: Using MLA And APA

In many cases it is necessary or desirable to include the date of access as well. Note that the date of access will often be the only date shown, since many online documents do not include dates.

How to Cite a Dictionary in APA | EasyBib Citations

To simplify the citation process, consider using WriterBuddy. WriterBuddy can help you generate accurate MLA dictionary citations effortlessly, ensuring your work is properly referenced and professional.

How to Cite a Dictionary | Chegg Writing

Thus a typical citation of an online source would show the author's name, the title of the document, the title of the complete work (such as the name of a periodical) in italics, the date, and the full URL. A URL is composed of the protocol used (such as http for Web pages; other less common protocols include gopher, ftp, and telnet), the server's identification, the directory path, and the file's name.

MLA Citations for Dictionaries ; How to Cite Using MLA Style

Citing an online dictionary requires the URL and the date of access in addition to the standard citation elements, because online content can change over time.

A Brief Guide On How to Cite a Dictionary in MLA

MLA citations for dictionaries include the entry word, dictionary name, publisher, publication date, and URL for online versions. Use the entry word for in-text citations. Create a full entry in your Works Cited list. For online dictionaries, include access date.

A Brief Guide On How to Cite a Dictionary in MLA · Name

A good way to guide your reader to the exact definition of a word you’ve used in your essay is to include a dictionary citation. You should keep in mind, however, that reference works, like dictionaries and encyclopedias, are secondary sources. You should use primary sources as much as possible in your essay instead. Setting up dictionary citations for your essay depends on the type of style used.