How The Letter S College Essay Got an 18-year-old Into Harvard

So, Nicolas’s college essay reflecting on his personal conflict coming to terms with Mathematics offers a relatable, down-to-earth look at how he eventually came to realize and appreciate the importance of this once-dreaded subject.

By showcasing reflection and growth in your essay, and showing you have learned from your experiences and gained valuable life lessons, you convey your potential for continued personal growth and your readiness for the academic and personal rigors of college life.

The Letter S Essay follows a clear narrative structure, starting with the initial struggle of avoiding the letter S and progressing towards the author's realization of the need to embrace her passion.

I Wrote My College Essay About The Letter S & I Got In - Refinery29

Her essay helped her to recieve a rare likely letter in the most competitive Harvard application cycle in history with a less than 4 percent acceptance rate, and now she uses her platform to help other college hopefuls navigate the application process.

'I hate the letter "S,"' Abigail wrote. 'Of the 164,777 words with "S," I only grapple with one. To condemn an entire letter because of its use .0006 percent of the time sounds statistically absurd, but that one case changed 100 percent of my life.

Taking off: Abigail Mack, 18, is headed to Harvard University in the fall, and this month has gone viral after reading the Common App essay that helped get her in

In what began seemingly as a focused essay on grammar, , 18, detailed in her Common App essay why she hates the letter 'S', before explaining that, since she lost her mother to cancer, the 'S' in 'parents' has haunted her.

[PDF] The College Application Essay

Finally, it lays the groundwork for a memorable and impactful college admissions essay that will leave a positive impression on the reader.

Complete all pieces of the application in full and with consistency

The ultimate goal of reviewing the essay is to gain insights and takeaways that you can then use when crafting your own college admissions essay.

Viral I hate the letter S essay helped student get into Harvard

She says, “I hate the letter ‘s’. Of the 164,777 words with ‘s’ I only grapple with one. To condemn an entire letter because of its use 0.0006 per cent of the time sounds statistically absurd, but that one case changed 100 per cent of my life.

I hate the letter S, Abigails college admission essay begins

Abigail Mack’s essay on hating the letter ‘S’ has earned her a seat at the Harvard University. The teenager, in a video, talked about how this single letter has haunted her. She revealed that she started hating the letter after losing a parent to cancer.

Limmy | The letter S essay stay until the end to see WHY its so good!

In short, a “sob story.” However, Abigail’s essay adeptly skirts this by utilizing wit and a framing device using the letter “S” to share a profoundly personal journey in a manner that is engaging and thought-provoking.

To read the whole thing, search up letter S essay on Google, right

For the 2025 class, Harvard was picky. Really picky. The admission rate was 3.43%. However, the letter ‘S’ college essay allowed Abigail to stand out among the highly competitive pool of applicants. So, when that letter arrived to Abigail, she was more than happy.

Valeries House - I hate the letter S, Abigails..

Abigail Mack, a then high school senior and now a student of Harvard University’s class of 2025, has captivated the hearts of many on social media and multiple university admission teams. She also got invitations from schools like Northwestern and Notre Dame. It’s one of the rare essays that worked in the academic and social media worlds.