There are many resources to help you find no-essay scholarships.
Embark on "A Daring Path" with Calvin Rosser's No-Essay Scholarship! Don't let fear hold you back from living your best life. He believes in supporting…Show More
Embark on "A Daring Path" with Calvin Rosser's No-Essay Scholarship! Don't let fear hold you back from living your best life. He believes in supporting…Show More
Many students think that you must be a high school student to be eligible for a scholarship. However, that’s a common misconception. In fact, current college students can still qualify for , even no-essay scholarships.
$2,000 No Essay Scholarship by Sallie
One of the easiest things you can do to win more scholarship money is to start applying for awards early. Some middle school students may even be eligible for scholarships. You should at least start looking while you’re a .
If you're someone who's not confident in their writing skills, you may feel like looking for no-essay scholarships is the better plan. But, don’t give up. Scholarship providers aren't necessarily looking for the most well-written essay. Instead, they are looking for the student who best fits what they’re looking for. The essay is just one tool to sell yourself.
No-essay scholarships may be harder to find than scholarships that require a written essay. However, that doesn't mean they’re impossible to find.
For example, the gives out - you guessed it - $25,000. In general, you should expect that generous scholarships that don't require essays will be highly competitive. A basic rule of thumb is that if it's easy to apply for, it will be harder to win.
Scholarships360's $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship
You should start as soon as possible, whether they require an essay or not. High school is a busy time and you’ll increase your odds of winning a scholarship if you submit as many applications as possible.
"A Bold Life" No-Essay Scholarship
for no-essay scholarships are variable, so there’s no “season” or perfect time to apply for one. Unlike college applications, which generally have a standardized time frame, scholarship deadlines vary.
On the flip side, non-essay scholarships still require effort.
If you have demonstrable financial need, there is one source of free funds for your higher education that is even easier to get than no essay scholarships. This is federal financial aid, including the . Make sure to on-time and send your results to your school in order to gain eligibility for federal, state, and institutional financial aid.
Below are the top no-essay scholarships you can apply for right now:
Many students believe that no-essay scholarships are scams because they don’t end up winning them. It’s important to remember that no-essay scholarships often have huge applicant pools, which makes winning seem impossible.
Scholarship for Young Hispanic Leaders ($1000/November 30, 2024)
No-essay scholarships have a much larger applicant group than scholarships that require essays; your chances of winning are lower than those of essay scholarships.
$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship - BigFuture - College Board
Even no-essay scholarships that operate like sweepstakes do not have an application fee. If you are being told that you have to pay money to apply for a scholarship, then you are likely being scammed.
Top 71 No Essay Scholarships in December 2024
Sometimes something seems too good to be true, such as being able to enter to win a $5,000 or even $50,000 scholarship without having to put in dozens of hours of work. However, there are plenty of awards that do not require a traditional essay and are 100% legitimate. Just remember that you should never have to pay to apply for a scholarship.