This section contains five examples of good college essays.
The following five essay has labels to show the parts of an academic essay. (Note: This essay does not contain authentic references and has been written specifically to use for this teaching task.)
I look forward to contributing in unconventional ways: through Penn’s policy of Climate Action 2.0, I’d love to help increase the efficiency of alternative energy machinery through responsive auto-sensors and I would also contribute to the establishing of wildlife corridors at UPenn by conducting case studies at the Morris Arboretum with the help of the Penn Green Fund. I also look forward to engaging in bird photography and ornithology by being an active member of the Penn Birding Club and potentially conducting fall bird censuses to illuminate for students the birdlife that nestles in the university. I hope to photograph and document each and every one of the 104 species (Morris Arboretum Checklist) of birds at UPenn. Furthermore, courses like Documentary Strategies and Photographic Thinking will help me better integrate critical thought into my photos and construct out-of-the-box documentaries to put into perspective environmental sustainability at UPenn. Also, contributing photo essays to the Penn Sustainability Review will allow me to depict the need for a change, beyond words.
Most books on essay writing will supply you with a number of model essays—collect some of these as they are great teachers! No matter what the topic is, you will see similarities between your writing tasks and these model essays. This is because many features of writing are common across areas. In some subjects (e.g. Law, Economics, Psychology and others), it is very useful to find -specific essay models as you can use these to work out the ‘peculiarities’ of writing for that area.
This essay could work for prompts 1 and 7 for the Common App.
Gain instant access to essay examples for every supplemental essay prompt from the top universities and BS/MD programs in the United States. Subscribe today to lock in the current investments, which will be increasing in the future for new subscribers.
Using assignment essays for assessment supports student learning better than the traditional examination system. It is considered that course-work assignment essays can lessen the extreme experienced by some students over ‘sudden-death’ end of semester examinations:
Gain instant access to essay examples for every supplemental essay prompt from the top universities and BS/MD programs in the United States. Subscribe today to lock in the current investments, which will be increasing in the future for new subscribers.
Gain instant access to essay examples for every supplemental essay prompt from the top universities and BS/MD programs in the United States. Subscribe today to lock in the current investments, which will be increasing in the future for new subscribers.
This is a college essay that worked for (UPenn).
Looking for supplemental essay examples? Click below to access sample essays for every supplemental essay prompt from the top universities and BS/MD programs in the United States. 235+ essays and counting.
This essay could work for prompts 1, 2 and 7 for the Common App.
Looking for supplemental essay examples? Click below to access sample essays for every supplemental essay prompt from the top universities and BS/MD programs in the United States. 235+ essays and counting.
This is a college essay that worked for .
If we insist that all students write about everything they have learned in their study courses at the same time and in the same place (e.g. in examinations), we are not giving all of our students equal opportunities. Some students are not daunted by the exam experience while others suffer ‘exam nerves’ and perform at the lowest level of their capabilities. (Wonderland University, 2006, p. 4)
Here’s an outline for a basic, solid “Why this College” essay:
Looking for supplemental essay examples? Click below to access sample essays for every supplemental essay prompt from the top universities and BS/MD programs in the United States. 235+ essays and counting.
The Why Michigan “Why this College” Essay Example
Looking for supplemental essay examples? Click below to access sample essays for every supplemental essay prompt from the top universities and BS/MD programs in the United States. 235+ essays and counting.
For analysis of what makes this essay , go here.
Additionally, Jones et al. (2004, pp. 36-37) propose that assignment essays can be used to assess student learning mid-course and so provide them with helpful feedback before they are subjected to the exam experience. Exams only provide students with a mark rather than specific feedback on their progress. Therefore, setting assignment essays for a substantial part of student assessment is a much fairer approach than one-off examination testing.