10 lines essay on faith in God/essay on faith in God ..
The very next year my parents were blessed with a set of twin girls, my sister and I. Giving birth to two children the very next year after losing a child truly showed us that having continuous faith in God will send blessings your way. Nothing can ever take the place of their precious son; however, being doubly blessed is evidence of how great the power of God is. They gave me the name Sonya Faith Randolph to show that they will never lose their faith, and named my twin sister’s middle name after a derivative of their youngest son’s name.
Though this occurrence devastated my family, no one lost faith in God the Father Almighty. My family grew in faith during the following year. One night, while standing at the window thinking about her beloved youngest son, my mother heard a comforting voice whisper the words “Trust Me” in her ear. She knew right then and there it was none other than the reassuring voice of God. While reading the bible, a scripture was revealed to my father. It reads “The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come” (Isaiah 57:1 King James Version). My father immediately knew that God was speaking out to him.
Before my birth, my parents were blessed with two sons. As God-fearing people, they reared them to be respectful, Christian boys. At the ages of five and eight they were already brightening people’s days. At five years old my youngest brother contracted a virus from a student in his day care. Combined with an inherited, pre-existing condition, this minor virus took his life within two days. My parents lost their youngest son just one day after being told he would overcome what the doctors called a one day virus, and learned he could have been given a common antibiotic and be living today. However, he is in a better place and no one can alter what is in God’s will.
My Personal Experience of Faith In God Free Essay Example
As I continue to advance in my years there are things I have come to believe in. Through experiences in my life thus far, having faith in God is a belief that remains constant with me. There have been instances where my faith has gotten me through trying times. Living according to the Bible verse “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,” (Hebrews 11:1 King James Version) has truly been a blessing.
But how could I stand up for state-sponsored prayer, when I no longer believed in the God to whom the students were praying? Furthermore, how could I be against homosexual marriage, when I couldn’t believe in the bible that had been the bedrock of my anti-gay stance? Although I had the energy for political activism, I could no longer support principles that were at their core faith-based.
While becoming a nonbeliever is a seamless transition for many, it was all the harder for me because I had been involved in conservative politics. When we talked about proofs for God’s existence in my first-year philosophy course, intellectually I could accept that there was no creator. However, I still found myself clinging to my conservative worldview, even after the centerpiece — my belief in God — had been shattered. In short, I had to wrestle with my political beliefs for the first time since I devoted myself to conservative principles at 14. I had spent tireless hours advocating for conservative causes, and I still felt emotionally invested in my ideology.
It was because of senseless tragedies in my own family that my faith ultimately crumbled. While the bible encourages the view that faith and goodness are rewarded, personally speaking, this didn’t square with events in my family. Case in point was my schizophrenic uncle’s suicide. Where was God for him? In such instances, the free-will response could hardly pass muster. After suffering for years with hallucinations and delusions, and without the benefit of effective medicine, my uncle had no other choice. After thinking about his situation rationally, as well as evaluating the premature death of my older brother, I concluded that God did not exist. In short, it was luck and not faith that determined who would live and who would perish.
Essay on Faith | Faith Essay for Students and Children in English
The last part of Luke 18: 8 says: Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on earth? Even in this latter time, or era we find ourselves in, faith is in such short supply that has now become the normal and is evident in so many. And Peter knew it too. In 2nd Peter 3: 4 he says, Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. And for those who may want to know more, I would suggest to read verses 9 - 18 in the same chapter.
Essay On Faith In God And Self Makes All Things Possible | PDF
Although I was inclined to still believe in God, my faith in organized religion gradually waned. After reading Soren Kierkegaard in humanities, I wondered why praying in a synagogue or church was even necessary. Why did I, a strong-willed individual, need to be a follower? I had always been a person to challenge conventional wisdom, and I gradually realized that I didn’t need a god to tell me the difference between right and wrong, and religious services to tell me how I should live.
On Faith in God: A Profound Journey of Belief
When I was young, my brother died at age 3 from congenital heart problems. While that alone did not shake my faith, I was troubled by my mother’s lack of rational thought about the death of children in the bible. For example, Mom didn’t seem taken aback at the Lord’s smiting of the firstborn sons of the Egyptians in the Passover story. How could someone who had lost a son be so eager to accept the morality of the Jewish God, who would kill the innocent Egyptian firstborn, because of the actions of the pharaoh? While my mother would begrudgingly say that the bible was allegorical, I never could accept her equivocations at face value. Only faith could allow her such cognitive dissonance.
Essay on Faith: The Bible and Words of Faith |
In the past, it had always seemed so easy to appeal to the bible as the unqualified source of truth. However, when we actually read the “Good Book” in humanities, I learned that it was a far-from-perfect collection of myths. The thing that disturbed me especially was the story of Abraham being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac because God had told him to. “Put your faith in the Lord,” was the message of the story, yet I couldn’t fathom why faith meant doing harm to those whom you love the most.