What can actually be divided by zero?

The University of Chicago prides itself on being a one-of-a-kind institution, and its application essays definitely exemplify that. Have you ever received a writing assignment in school, read the prompt, and just said to yourself, “what?” That’s how the UChicago prompts might feel. Much like the student body (who, along with alumni, actually write most of the prompts themselves!), the questions are quirky, intellectually curious, deeply thought-provoking, and often absurd.

In addition to the Common App, applicants to UChicago are expected to complete two essays (prompts below and ). The first essay is a fairly straightforward, “Why UChicago?” question. For the second, you’ll have the option of seven highly unusual and memorable prompts. Both essays are significant, but the second one might leave you a little baffled. Have no fear! These will likely be the most interesting essays you write in the entire college application process, so long as you give them the effort and thoughtfulness they require.

To use their examples (for your essay, I’d find your own), a successful essay could be a short fictional piece about Sally on the seashore, fleshing her out as a character and creating a backstory; or, you could delve into the nitty-gritty on woodchucks, what it means to chuck wood, and try to come up with a calculation using some estimates and research on their per-minute wood-chucking rate. These are of course just two options — let your imagination run wild!

What can actually be divided by zero? | by f3lps - Medium

This prompt serves as a last bit of advice in what they’re looking for! As mentioned above, creating your own prompt is a bit risky, but could result in a uniquely creative and standout essay. And if none of these year’s prompts are speaking to you, take some time to look through previous ones — there is a wide, wide range of topics. With the ingenuity and creativity you’ll use at UChicago, you can write a stellar essay for one that truly speaks to you.

UChicago revolves around what we call the “life of the mind” and “rigorous inquiry.” It’s a place where intellectual curiosity and a love of learning reigns above all. We take this seriously: in fact, your first two years at UChicago will largely revolve around the Core, a series of fundamental courses in the humanities, social sciences, biological sciences, and mathematics that every student is required to complete. The central goal of the Core is to teach you how to think; therefore, Admission Officers are looking for students with that initial spark of intellectual curiosity.

It’s worth noting that there is no recommended essay length, but sticking to around 500 words should do the trick. It’s long enough to share the reasons you’ll thrive at UChicago, but not too long that the admissions officers will start to get bored.

The answer of what can actually be divided by zero, is humans. The nobody you passed in the grocery store is about to go home and discover that their daughter jumped off the second floor balcony, leaving them a parent of one. Their life is spilt up through the actions of another human being, leaving a “divided” person of zero.

What can actually be divided by zero? | by Uday Zutshi - Medium

If you’ve written your UChicago essay and are looking for feedback, we encourage you to and explore our resources. You’ll have access to free peer review services, through which students can peer review each others’ essays. We also offer free essay guides and other resources. We’re here to help you put your best foot forward, feel prepared, and deal with less stress this applications season. Feel lucky, punk!

What Can Actually be Divided by Zero | Different Meaning for People

I wish to explain my younger brother: he is interested and curious, but he cannot grasp the concepts of limits and integration just yet. What is the best mathematical way to justify not allowing division by zero?

What can actually be divided by zero

I'm starting to draft my UChicago supplemental essays and finding them a little tricky. I've heard they look for creativity but I'm not sure to what extent. Does anyone have any advice on how to approach these essays? For reference, I'm aiming for something in the humanities.

Ex: What can actually be divided by zero

You don’t expect to see references to Costco or Harry Potter when you’re getting into the mindset for convincing admissions officers why you’re a good fit for a school, and yet these have been part of past UChicago prompts. It goes without saying that UChicago’s quirky prompts aren’t your typical supplemental essay questions. But despite their unique nature, the goal of the university is the same as any other school – to understand your perspective, to get a sense of your goals, and determine whether your values align with those that UChicago looks for in its students. To guide you through each of the prompts, I have outlined the questions, how to go about tackling them, and more tips to help you write the UChicago supplemental essays 2020-2021.

What can actually be divided by zero? - Teen Ink

Believing in this divinity, however, is different now. I know I would be wrong if I put all my faith in “God” again. I discovered that “believing” cannot depend on anything other than myself, and it became the engine of my hope. God, for me, may have been divided by zero, but I prefer to think that instead God should be divided by approximately 7 and a half billion. This new denominator represents every person, all who are unique and deserve to choose to believe what they want to. Each person shall believe in what they think is respectful toward them.