The Legal Driving Age Should Be 16
There are teens at the age of eighteen who have their license and can drive their friends around but lack experience. If kids are driving by themselves for an extra year, then they will be more responsible at the age of eighteen when they drive with others. With this inexperience, they have a crash rate higher than any other age group. If teens start earlier and drive more before they are free to drive their friends' places teens should lower the number of accidents they have on the road a substantial amount. Teens should be able to drive at a younger age because it can help them be more responsible.…
Why the driving age should not be raised Driving is a big art of maturing and growing as an individual. State governments are pushing for the driving age to be raised to eighteen, but there is no reason for this. Sixteen year olds are naturally capable to drive with their senses being heightened as they are younger. Generally, sixteen year olds are unfairly judged as irresponsible and not attentive enough to drive.…
State legislature wants to take a safety precaution and move the driving age from 16 to 18. The state thinks teenagers are careless drivers and don’t need transportation. Most teeneagers are invovled in sports, have a job, or need a ride to school ;why should teenagers not have their license at 16. Athletes all around the world are constantly working out, and getting better, but if athletes can’t drive to the weight room or field, why try? Driving to participate in the weight room or gym to get better is great, but parents can’t always take teenagerd and its hard to find a ride.…
The Legal Driving Age Should Be 16
Because of safety concerns, many states have increased the age at which teens can begin to drive. I looked forward to getting my license and getting it has been a very good experience. Teens can also learn to work on their vehicles when something goes wrong, which can prepare them for the future. States should not increase the age at which teens can drive because driving gives teens more freedom, driving allows teens to work, and driving teaches teens responsibility.
Should the Driving Age Be Raised to 18? I take the position that the driving age should not be raised to 18. Many people believe that 16 year olds are too young to drive. However, many 16 to 17 year olds and their families disagree. Teens enjoy their freedom, and not all teens are stereotypically “wild” or “out of hand” on the road.
Is getting your driver’s license at age 16 appropriate? I believe 16 is a perfect age, although many think different. Although imagine not being able to drive until you’re 18! You would be stuck getting rides everywhere all through out your teen years. One reason why I think teens should drive is because they should have access to vehicles, one article says “ Teenagers who have to depend on others for rides can miss out on social activities and work opportunities.
There are teens at the age of eighteen who have their license and can drive their friends around but lack experience. If kids are driving by themselves for an extra year, then they will be more responsible at the age of eighteen when they drive with others. With this inexperience, they have a crash rate higher than any other age group. If teens start earlier and drive more before they are free to drive their friends' places teens should lower the number of accidents they have on the road a substantial amount. Teens should be able to drive at a younger age because it can help them be more responsible.…
Essay Why The Driving Age Should Stay At 16
Can you imagine being seventeen and you can not go to a friends house ,because you can not drive and you have to wait for your mother or father to drive you? Well that could be reality ,many states have increased the minimum driving age. Our state is now considering raising it as well I think it should not be raised because driving is important from your teenage years on ,and it is our right to be able to learn and to drive at sixteen. To begin, you can learn alot from driving at sixteen.…
Explain Why The Driving Age Should Stay At The Age Of 16 | Cram
If you raise the driving age limit, many of these teens would lose there jobs by being unable to arrive to work. When teens have careers they gain responsibility and money. Why would we want to rob them of these opportunities? These teenagers are contributing to society just as much as any adult currently is. If we raise the driving age, we would loose thousands of hard working young men and women.
Why 20 should be the new driving age
I disagree with the lawmakers possible raising the legal driving age to 18 because, 16 year olds are already responsible enough for jobs, any new driver is inexperienced, and provisional licenses would be a more effective solution. If people deemed 16 year olds, old enough for jobs that go late into the night, why not deem us responsible enough to drive? If we do get our licenses when we are 16, then we can learn the rules, pay costs when we have our parents as back up, and learn to take responsibility. The misunderstanding is that lawmakers think that 16 year olds, new drivers, are dangerous. When really any new driver is dangerous.…
Should teens be allowed to start driving at the age of 14 or 16
Do you remember how excited you were to finally get your license when you were sixteen? Or do you remember how excited you were going to be once you reached sixteen so imagine if they were to raise the driving age to eighteen. The driving age should not be raised. It should not be raised because sixteen is a good age to start driving. You're old enough to have an job at this age so you should be able to have a license to make sure you can be self reliant getting to work or anywhere else without relying on someone like parents or any other family members.…
Explain Why The Driving Age Should Stay At 16
The short story “Driving to the Funeral” by Anna Quindlen discusses about the appropriate age to start driving. The author starts out by stating that “car crashes are the No. 1 cause of death among 15 to 20-year-olds in this country.” Many teenagers start driving at 16 and that is the reason why the number of car crashes continue to go up for their age group. Quindlen questions why parents of 16-year-olds allow their kids to start driving right away without giving it much thought. Their recklessness only leads to missing countless high school memories that last a lifetime. Teenagers who start driving early are known to break protocols, which is one of the reasons of fatal car crashes. One protocol is that they are not allowed to carry more