ACT Essay Template and Sample - Kaplan Test Prep
The student’s thesis is easily located as the last sentence of the introductory paragraph: But despite what might be seen as troubling consequences of this trend, a deeper examination reveals it to be benign or even beneficial. This thesis is clear and specific and signals what ground the essay will cover.
The ACT recently changed the format of the optional essay, debuting the new essay on the September 2015 exam. From September on, all essay prompts will require you to not only respond to a specific question, but to also read and address three unique perspectives on the question.
What gives this thesis “nuance and precision”? It is the way the student acknowledges that the evidence can be read in multiple ways (troubling, benign, beneficial) but nonetheless commits to one perspective (in this case, that the trend is on the whole a good thing).
[PDF] Six “New ACT Essay” Prompts - Green Test Prep
It is also worth considering the positive effects of “play” in children and seeing what relevance they may have to adult life. Play is both an successful stress-reducer and an outlet for creativity. Additionally, many toys are designed with an educational component in mind. There is no reason why these upsides to children’s entertainment should be denied to adults, many of whom lead stressful lives. Playing video games after a long day of work could even be seen as a healthy activity, since they are working to mitigate the unhealthy effects of long-term stress.
The ACT Essay Virtual Course works in three steps: watch a video, draft an essay, and receive feedback. We feel it's the feedback on a student's actual essay that makes a more meaningful intervention than a lecture alone might provide.
They address the idea that while both bad behavior and bad scholastic performance may be caused by issues outside of a student’s control, only bad behavior has the potential to disrupt extracurricular activities for others.
In order to do your best on the essay, you’ll want to make sure you practice with more than just two essay question prompts. Here are ten additional new ACT sample essay question prompts I’ve written to help you prepare. You’ll have 40 minutes to complete each essay.
Winning Strategies for ACT Essay Writing: With 15 Sample Prompts
Below are sample essays and score explanations to the full-length Writing test of the previously released ACT from the current 2020-2021 “Preparing for the ACT Test” (form 1874FPRE) free study guide available . .
How to Write an ACT Essay: Step-by-Step Example - PrepScholar Blog
First, let’s look at a sample essay which would likely receive the highest possible score (a 6 in all categories, which results in a final ACT Writing score of 12). A top-scoring essay will align with the following ACT scoring rubric descriptions:
ACT (Writing) Essay Virtual Course - University Select LLC
These students deserve the support of their school; however, allowing them to participate in extracurricular activities can disrupt and hinder the experiences of other participants and the success of the club.
Ten New ACT Essay Question Prompts - Dr. Robert D. Kohen
Crafting a standout ACT essay is all about strategy and focus. Allocate time for planning, writing, and reviewing. Understand the prompt and use optional planning questions to guide your thoughts. Keep your argument focused and support it with sound reasoning. Before submitting, review your essay for clarity and accuracy.
ACT Writing Practice and Strategies | Full Essay Walk Through
If none of the above reasons apply to you, and if none of your target schools require the ACT writing test, you might opt to take the ACT without writing. This can also save you time and reduce test-day stress.
ACT Writing and SAT Essay Requirements
To bar these students from thoroughly beneficial extracurricular activities is unnecessarily harmful, especially since unsatisfactory grades have no negative consequences for the activities themselves.