Caltech supplemental application essays

Successful Caltech essays will not only mention the activity but also explain why it brings joy. Feel free to get creative when responding to this prompt. Make sure that admissions can feel your passion for this topic.

Use this Caltech supplemental essay to talk about a hobby that you haven’t mentioned elsewhere. Basically, don’t just repeat your extracurricular activities. That certainly won’t do anything to help you beat the Caltech acceptance rate and impress admissions. Talk about something that will demonstrate a new skill or interest. Don’t forget to mention why this activity is worth writing about. What impact has it had on your life?

This is another of the optional Caltech supplemental essays that is definitely optional. No tricks here. If you are a true hobbyist and have various activities that define you, then feel free to take on this Caltech supplemental essay.

How to Write the Caltech Supplemental Essays 2024-2025

While the first of the optional Caltech supplemental essays is actually optional, we recommend considering the second of the Caltech essays as required. The goal of this Caltech supplemental essay is to see who you are outside of STEM-related hobbies and interests. While admissions wants to see that you love all things STEM, they also want to learn about your other interests. They understand the importance of having some sort of outlet from academics or work.

Was your list of interests from the last essay spilling onto multiple pages? Great. Students writing their Caltech supplemental essays shouldn’t skimp on passion. However, these Caltech supplemental essays will have to be more succinct, as you only have 50 words.

Caltech once again decided to refrain from considering any standardized test scores in their admissions process for the class of 2028. As such, average test scores for the most recently admitted class are not available. However, to give you a sense of Caltech’s high academic standards, here are the average ACT and SAT scores for the class of 2024:

The optional academic Caltech supplemental essays are completely optional. Students should only submit Caltech essays for this section if they truly feel the need to.

How to Write the Caltech Supplemental Essays 2024–2025

This question is prompting you to highlight a time when you have thought out of the box or brought a unique idea to completion. Given that creativity is the focus of this prompt, consider how you might incorporate other disciplines into your answer, get creative with your storytelling, or select an off-the-wall anecdote to highlight your innovation. The idea of being a creator or inventor also implies a sense of initiative, grit, and leadership, so think about how you can showcase those qualities with your answer. Finally, end the essay by connecting this anecdote with how it informs the type of student or person you will be at Caltech and the impact you hope to make on the community there.

Caltechs supplemental essays are so intimidating

Last summer, I conducted environmental research focused on forest management across California redwood forests. Through this experience, I was able to bear witness to the great beauty that lies in these ancient, towering trees. Beyond their beauty, though, I was taken aback by how much there was to learn from them. My curiosity was sparked throughout my time as a researcher as I learned more about redwoods, from their remarkably high bark moisture content that makes them fire-resistant to their incredible carbon sequestration abilities. This experience taught me that, in a society where humans are often prioritized over other living things, it is essential to raise awareness for the well-being of plants and animals, including the underlying wisdom they provide. Through Caltech’s Environmental Science and Engineering program, specifically exciting classes like “Forest Ecology” and “Climate Science,” I hope to continue pursuing this curiosity about the natural world and to equip myself with the skills necessary to create solutions to environmental challenges that keep the needs of both humans and plants in mind.

Caltech Supplemental Essays 2024-2025

There is no word count listed on these Caltech essay prompts, so these Caltech supplemental essays should be concise. This isn’t the time to write a novel. Answer this Caltech supplemental essay prompt succinctly and comprehensively.

Caltech Supplemental Essays 2024-25

You don't aspire to attend Caltech if you don't have big ideas and the nerve to test them out. What have you created, invented, or innovated? What have you come up with that no one else has, whether it’s an actual invention, an idea, a process, or something else? It might be that gadget you dreamed up and hacked out the prototype for late one night. Or the improved method you developed for your team to document and share its collaborative research. Or maybe it was the summer you decided to teach yourself a new skill for each of 67 days. Think of a time you didn't just build code in CS or work on a team in robotics, but you actually innovated—changed something for the better or brought something new into the world.