How do you format long quotes in the APA style

Any quote longer than four typed lines must be presented in block format. Do not use quotation marks; instead, indent the entire quote one inch from the left margin to form a "block" of text. Double-space the quote, just like the text of the paper, and place the period at the end of the quote, not after the parentheses.

Avoid relying on block quotes from academic sources to explain ideas or make your points for you. In general, quotes should be used as sparingly as possible, as your own voice should be dominant. When you use another author’s ideas or refer to previous research, it’s often better to by .

Long quotations should be used rarely, however, because frequent use tends to break up your text and make the reader impatient. Also, be especially careful to integrate the quote into your paper. Introduce it, and comment afterwards on why it was important. (See for more information.)

MLA Style Guide: 8th Edition: Block Quote

Block quotes should be used when the specific wording or style of the quoted text is essential to your point. How often you use them depends partly on your field of study.

APA requires that any quotation over 40 words be started on a new line, indented .5 inches from the margin, double spaced without quotation marks, essentially a block quote. Here's how:

A paragraph should never end with a block quote. Directly after the quote, you need to comment on it in your own words. Depending on the purpose of the block quote, your comment might involve:

All block quotes must end with a citation that directs the reader to the correct source. How the citation looks depends on the citation style. In most styles, including and , the parenthetical citation comes after the period at the end of a block quote.

How to quote a long paragraph in MLA format

Don’t just drop a block quote into your own text without any explanation or context. Just like any other source you are using, always provide context and a lead-in when you use a block quote. Also, just like any other source, provide some follow-up after the quote to tie the information to your own writing.

How do I make a block quote in Word for my APA or MLA style paper?

The meaning of “four lines” for MLA can be unclear, so if you are unsure, consult with your instructor about whether a quote is four lines and if you need to use a block quote.

How do I make a block quote in Word for my paper

Block quotations are only used if the text is longer than 40 words (APA) or four lines (MLA). Shorter quotes should be integrated directly into your text.

Using short quotes and block quotes in MLA

Block quotes should be used sparingly. They are not intended for shorter essays because they take up extra space. Do not use block quotes just to fill space or try to reach a certain page length. For maximum impact, use them judiciously.

How do you cite a quote that is broken up into two parts?

Just like any other source, block quotes still need a citation. Note the placement of the punctuation in the example below. Typically, the punctuation would be placed after the citation, but after a block quote, the punctuation is placed first.

How To Embed Quotes in Your Essay Like a Boss

Block quotation is a method of formatting to highlight sections of directly quoted text in your writing. Direct quotes are usually integrated directly into your own text, but when quotes meet certain guidelines, block quotations are used instead. Though rules vary among citation styles, this example focuses on APA and MLA, as they are the most common styles.

Is putting too many direct quotes in an essay bad

If the introduction to a quote is a full sentence, then a colon can be used. Choosing a colon instead of a comma creates a longer pause and puts more emphasis on the quote.