There are three main types of synthesis essays:
As you finish up your synthesis essay, it’s important to leave your readers with something to think about. Here’s how to write a strong conclusion:
This is your chance to catch your readers' attention and set the stage for your argument. To create a strong introduction for your synthesis essay:
Use information from your sources to support each point to explain how it relates to your thesis. Make sure to synthesize the information and show how different sources connect and relate to your argument. Properly cite all the sources you use.
Let’s understand synthesis essays together!
Now that you’ve gathered your research and organized your thoughts, it’s time to craft your thesis statement. A strong thesis will guide your essay and make your argument clear. Here are some tips to help you write an effective thesis for your synthesis essay:
Start writing with a synthesis essay introduction that grabs the reader's attention and provides some background information on your topic. Clearly state your thesis at the end of the introduction. In the body paragraphs, begin each with a that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.
Organize your ideas by creating a detailed . Typically, a synthesis essay has an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Plan the main points you will discuss in each body paragraph.
Your thesis statement is the central argument or main idea of your essay. It should clearly express what you intend to argue or discuss. A strong thesis is specific and can be supported by the information from your sources.
There are two major types of synthesis essays:
First, read the essay prompt carefully. Make sure you understand what the assignment is asking you to do. Identify the main topic and the specific question or issue you need to address.
Below is a well-structured synthesis essay thesis example:
A review synthesis essay evaluates existing literature or studies on a particular topic. It synthesizes the findings of various studies to provide a comprehensive overview of the research landscape.
Check out the video below for a synthesis essay introduction example.
A synthesis essay combines various ideas to comprehensively understand a topic. On the other hand, an argumentative essay aims to convince the reader of a specific viewpoint by presenting supporting evidence.
Synthesis Essay Outline Template
An argumentative synthesis essay presents a strong, well-supported argument on a specific issue. It not only synthesizes information from various sources but also takes a clear stance on the issue.
Let’s take a look at this sample synthesis essay outline:
The goal of an explanatory synthesis essay is to help the reader understand a topic. It explains the topic clearly by presenting information from various sources without offering an opinion or argument.
AP Lang Synthesis Essay Outline
Synthesis essays can be categorized into several types, each serving a different purpose and requiring a unique approach. Here are the main types of synthesis essays:
Synthesis Essay AP Lang Example
An organized structure is key to writing a coherent synthesis essay. Here's a typical synthesis essay format you can follow to structure your essay.