The key features of the synthesis essay are:

Working on a synthesis essay claim involves examining various sources that offer information on the topic. But the main goal is to offer your own opinion. Your claims should be unique and reflect your own viewpoint. Choose the most pertinent information and support your claims with evidence from different sources.

Synthesis essay paragraphs should describe information on the chosen topic as clearly and transparently as possible. This type of paper is about 5-6 paragraphs long. The better you study the data in your sources, the more in detail you will be able to describe specific concepts. Try to use different sources to make your writing more extensive and in-depth.

Introductory paragraph of the synthesis essay is the first section that informs your topic. Here, you will include a catchy hook and smoothly proceed to the background information. After that, you will create a strong thesis statement that let’s readers know what your work focuses on. You will give your readers a starting point to think about and help them understand your paper's topic. Your thesis statement should be presented as clearly as possible.

Both of these techniques are used for the synthesis essay:

In a way, writing a synthesis essay is similar to composing a summary. But a synthesis essay requires you to read more than one source and to identify the way the writers’ ideas and points of view are related.

Synthesis paper title is a part of the paper that should definitely be used. The title will help both readers and you understand key information. Choose a fascinating title for your paper. This will get readers engaged. They will start absorbing your essay only if your title is compelling enough.

Once you identify the similar points of concern, if you organize your synthesis essay around these points, you will give yourself a head start when describing the relationships between the different arguments because you can use easy-to-use transitions between paragraphs such as “another point on which the writers agree…”

Synthesis paper is the best way to summarize lots of information by conveying the main idea in several sentences. You can offer strong arguments that support your own point of view. Readers who like your statement can use your ideas for reference and explore more information on the chosen topic. You, in turn, will gain invaluable experience in writing this type of work.

The topics below are suitable for an explanatory synthesis essay:

You can focus on synthesis essay examples. They will be a support in writing a paper for those who are just getting acquainted with scholarly papers. It will be easier if you understand how to systematize information and which key aspects are worth highlighting. Instead of going through the web pages in search of the best paper, check our example and write your own essay.

The list of topics for the Argument Synthesis Essay:

Writing a quality paper from scratch may be challenging. You will need a template for synthesis essay that will help you structure information. The details taken from textbooks, online magazines and other sources will be intelligently organized and divided into several paragraphs. This way, you can cover all specific points in your work.

The text should demonstrate evidence that you have deeply researched the chosen topic. It is necessary to give indisputable proofs for each argument. The main thing is not to forget about the structure, which consists of an introduction, the main part and a conclusion.

The goal of a synthesis essay is to:

Despite the intimidation evoked by its scientific name, a synthesis essay isn't any more difficult to write than other types of essays if you know what to avoid. For example, a common mistake writers make is trying to hone in on their topic right away, just as they would with other essays—a synthesis essay just doesn't work like that.

Let's take a look at the sample synthesis essays below:

To create an excellent essay, you must do much more than just research some basic information on the topic and interpret it. The synthesis essay format is equally important. Universities require certain rules of text formatting and borrowed fragments citation. Therefore, students should choose one format and use it consistently. The most common paper formats are APA, MLA, and .

Synthesis Essay Introduction Example

But before we delve into what not to do, let's first discuss what a synthesis essay is and the purpose for writing one. A synthesis essay assignment will test whether you not only can understand information that is presented in multiple sources, but also if you can synthesize that information on a broader scope or higher level of thinking. It tests if you can find relationships that exist between the sources combined, and then go one step further to develop your own thesis that both sources could defend.