Copyright College Essay Guy 2015-2024
This essay topic is a great opportunity for humor. Choose a unique topic that others might not think of, and whatever you choose, make sure you know a lot about it!
When writing this essay, pick a topic of interest. Additionally, make sure whatever you write about has a clear, one sentence takeaway that you can stress throughout the essay to give it direction. To prep, watch a few TED talks online to help give your essay voice.
Have you ever walked through the aisles of a warehouse store like Costco or Sam’s Club and wondered who would buy a jar of mustard a foot and a half tall? We’ve bought it, but it didn’t stop us from wondering about other things, like absurd eating contests, impulse buys, excess, unimagined uses for mustard, storage, preservatives, notions of bigness…and dozens of other ideas both silly and serious. Write an essay somehow inspired by super-huge mustard.
—Inspired by Katherine Gold
21 College Essay Topics & Ideas That Worked
If you can't immediately think of a pivotal event for this essay, you may want to skip it and try a different one. Essays like this are best answered with significant and unique moments rather than less important ones.
An earlier version of this piece was developed in conjunction with my thought-partner and co-consultant, Jackie Stowers, for the , where we are implementing a college essay intensive writing coaching program, as well as working directly with their students. The Cooperman Scholars are supported through all aspects of college access and success, and are a shining example of how attending college really can change lives and communities.
When risky topics do work: it’s all about how the writer handles it, and what the essay is about UNDERNEATH the story you are telling.
Still need to write your college essay? The essay, sometimes also known as the personal statement for college, serves as a key component of your college application, as it allows you to share personal details of your life that can provide the admissions office insight into your experiences, interests, struggles, and viewpoints. But the essay is often the hardest piece of the college application to complete, especially for those students with minimal experience writing about their own life or opinions. If you’re still searching for a college essay topic, we’ve listed seven tips for writing college application essays below.
Top 40 College Essay Ideas and Topics · 1
Once you decide what you'd like to write, follow the tips below to craft a standout essay. You can also find more advice about college essays in our article .
Popular College Application Essay Topics (and How to Answer Them)
Start by identifying the prompt's main topic, then spend some time brainstorming to find the idea that resonates most with you. For many people, it's the topic that makes them feel some sort of emotion or reminds them of an entertaining story. Understanding what you're being asked to write about should make staying on topic throughout the entire composition easier.
More College Essay Topics · Describe a person you admire
No matter what type of prompt you receive, it's your job to stick to it. The admissions team has a lot of essays to read, so you'll have a better chance of standing out if you develop a cohesive response that stays on topic.
Craziest/Funniest/Best college essay topic? : r/ApplyingToCollege
The danger of looking at the prompts before you do some brainstorming is that you may box yourself in by thinking you have to write about something that fits, say, prompt 2, and thereby prevent yourself from thinking about options for topics that allow you to show who you are and what you value more effectively.
What are college essay topics that are over used/not original?
Because of the points above (you can write about anything + colleges don’t care too much), looking at the prompts is only useful if you’re totally, completely stumped* as to how to brainstorm possible topics for your college essay. (In which case, see below.)
The Top 5 College Essay Topics to Avoid | HelloCollege
Most are acceptable for if you can use them to or a lesson learned. However, there are a few difficult topics for college essays that should be avoided. Avoid topics that are: