How to quote and cite a play in an essay using MLA format

Shakespeare plays have many beautiful verses; it's up to you to find an appropriate verse for your essay. One way to ensure an impactful quote is to ensure that the verse you choose does not leave the idea unfinished. Here are some tips for quoting Shakespeare:

No formal Shakespeare quote is complete without its attribution. For a Shakespeare quote, you need to provide the play title, followed by act, scene, and, often, line numbers. It is a good practice to italicize the title of the play.

In the MLA style, when quoting fewer than four lines (at which point, and thereafter, you ought to format it as a block quote instead) you place a "/" at the end of each line of verse. So, every five iambs (or so) for blank verse (which makes up the largest part of Shakespeare's works).

How To Cite Shakespeare In MLA ~ Format With Examples

If you do decide to use the quote from the source you are using, however, you must recognize both sources. For example, in the Critical Insights series, we have a popular book of critical analysis called Things for Apart.

Topics covered: 1-3 lines of verse (0:54), 1-3 lines of Shakespeare/plays (1:40), block quotes (2:14), dialogue 2 or more characters (2:54), using an ellipsis">

Following MLA citations for Shakespeare examples, such as those below, helps to ensure you cite his work correctly. Writing papers about Shakespeare’s life or his plays is easy to do with plenty of open source resources available for your research. If you’re citing his works, then use the title of the play as the first element. If you’re writing about William Shakespeare, in general, then use his name as the first element.

You can make your essays interesting by adding a famous quote, and there is no source more illustrious than Shakespeare to quote! However, many students feel intimidated at the thought of quoting Shakespeare. Some fear that they may use the quote in the wrong context; others may worry about using the quote verbatim and missing the precise meaning, owing to the archaic Shakespearean expressions. Navigating these difficulties is possible, and your writing may be greatly enhanced if you from Shakespeare with skill and the quotes correctly.

How to Cite Shakespeare in MLA: Tips and Examples

Citing Shakespeare in can be tricky, as you may not be sure how to cite the act, verse, and line numbers, rather than page numbers. To follow MLA style, you will need to properly format any quotes from Shakespeare in the text and use in-text citations accordingly. You should also cite Shakespeare in the bibliography at the end of your paper. Whether you are citing Shakespeare in MLA for a paper for class or an essay for a reading assignment, you can get the citations right with just a few steps.

How to cite a Shakespeare play from a collection

In an APA reference list, meanwhile, Shakespeare plays are typically cited as (i.e., with an original date of publication at the end of the reference). Make sure to check your client includes the edition cited, as line numbers can vary between versions.

How to cite Shakespeare within MLA format

I know its sounds like a dumb question but I'm doing the hamlet essay and I am not sure how to quote stuff like what goes after the quotation is it "quotation" (lines) or "quotation"(shakespeare lines)

How to quote and cite Shakespeares sonnets

In the , Shakespeare’s plays should be cited using the guidelines for citing plays and other long works (i.e., classic works with established subdivisions such as scenes, books, cantos, and similar). In practice, this means:

How to Cite Shakespeare in APA Referencing

For those engaged in academic pursuits involving his timeless plays and sonnets, understanding how to cite Shakespeare in MLA is essential. The style offers a meticulous and standardized approach to referencing Shakespearean works, ensuring precision and consistency in acknowledging his literary genius. This article provides thorough explanations of the format of citing Shakespeare and gives multiple examples to help you understand how to cite Shakespeare in MLA.

Essay Prompt with how to cite Shakespeare in MLA instructions ..

Shakespeare’s works have numbered lines, scenes, and acts that you should use in your MLA citations instead of page numbers. The entries in the section vary depending on the source you are citing. The table below shows how to cite Shakespeare in MLA.