Climate Change Essay for Students and Children | 500+ Words Essay
By 1995, countries launched negotiations to strengthen the global response to climate change, and, two years later, adopted the . The Kyoto Protocol legally binds developed country Parties to emission reduction targets. The Protocol’s first commitment period started in 2008 and ended in 2012. The second commitment period began on 1 January 2013 and ended in 2020. There are now 198 Parties to the Convention and 192 Parties to the
While science tells us that climate change is irrefutable, it also tells us that it is not too late to stem the tide. This will require fundamental transformations in all aspects of society — how we grow food, use land, transport goods, and power our economies.
Crafting a climate change essay might seem like just another school assignment, but itâs actually a powerful way to talk about something that affects all of us.Â
essays on adaptation to climate change
The UN family is at the forefront of the effort to save our planet. In 1992, its “Earth Summit” produced the as a first step in addressing the climate change problem. Today, it has near-universal membership. The 197 countries that have ratified the Convention are Parties to the Convention. The ultimate aim of the Convention is to prevent “dangerous” human interference with the climate system.
In 2007, the was awarded jointly to former United States Vice-President Al Gore and the IPCC "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change."
Francesca Minicozzi (class of 2021) is a Writing/Biology major who plans to study medicine after graduation. She wrote this essay on climate change for WR 355/Travel Writing, which she took while studying abroad in Newcastle in spring 2020. Although the coronavirus pandemic curtailed Francesca’s time abroad, her months in Newcastle prompted her to learn more about climate change.
Terre Ryan
Associate Professor, Writing Department
The climate started changing a long time ago due to human activities but we came to know about it in the last century. During the last century, we started noticing the climatic change and its effect on human life. We started researching on climate change and came to know that the earth temperature is rising due to a phenomenon called the greenhouse effect. The warming up of earth surface causes many ozone depletion, affect our , water supply, transportation, and several other problems.
Climate change essay | Example 500, 800 and 1000 words
“If you don’t mind me asking, how is the United States preparing for climate change?” my flat mate, Zac, asked me back in March, when we were both still in Newcastle. He and I were accustomed to asking each other about the differences between our home countries; he came from Cambridge, while I originated in Long Island, New York. This was one of our numerous conversations about issues that impact our generation, which we usually discussed while cooking dinner in our communal kitchen. In the moment of our conversation, I did not have as strong an answer for him as I would have liked. Instead, I informed him of the few changes I had witnessed within my home state of New York.
Climate Change Background Essay
“Our two countries are similar, yet so different,” I thought. Our conversation continued as we prepared our meals, with topics ranging from climate change to the upcoming presidential election to Britain’s exit from the European Union. However, I could not shake the fact that I knew so little about a topic so crucial to my generation.
How to Write a Climate Change Essay
The last four years were the four hottest on record. According to a September 2019 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) report, we are at least Celsius above preindustrial levels and close to what scientists warn would be “an unacceptable risk”. The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change calls for holding eventual warming “well below” two degrees Celsius, and for the pursuit of efforts to limit the increase even further, to 1.5 degrees. But if we don’t slow global emissions, temperatures could rise to , causing further irreversible damage to our ecosystems.
35 Great Articles and Essays about Climate Change
In October 2019 the National Audubon Society released a rigorously researched report titled . Audubonâs approach combined years of observational data on the abundance of bird species with the climate models used by more than 800 experts in 80 countries to map where each bird species studied can live under a changing climate. The report shows how already-documented evidence and the predicted progression of climate change will have profound consequences for the large majority of North American birds. The startling finding is that 65 percent (389 out of 604) of North American bird species are at risk of extinction from climate change. These threats include sea-level rise; stronger storms; more frequent droughts and fires; changes in the timing of seasonal availability of food sources; and the changing distribution of plants and other animals caused by global warming. This means that birds could run out of places to live and food to eat. Those consequences can be extrapolated to extend, in varying degrees and in varying timeframes, to other wildlife, plants, and people as well.
Climate Explained: Introductory Essays About Climate Change Topics
Protecting life and living conditions on Earth requires worldwide and economy-wide actionsâin other words, action by governments and commercial enterprises at all levels and in all sectors: the generation of electricity, agriculture, transportation, commercial and residential buildings, and industrial processes. These actions for addressing the underlying causes as well as the current and projected consequences of climate change include: