Essay on Stress Management in 1000 Words | Leverage Edu
When I was gathering resources for my first stress portfolio, one picture left a deep impression. It says: “there are only two times I feel stress: day and night.” Yes, stress exists along with our whole life; it may seem that there is nothing that we can do about stress. The homework and exams will keep coming, there is endless study and work in the day, and our career and family responsibilities will always be demanding. However, the good news is that stress can be managed. The simple realization that you are in control of your life is the foundation of stress management. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your thoughts, emotions, schedules, and the way you deal with problems.
Nowadays our entire future strictly depends on our GPA's and getting into college and graduate school has gotten much more competitive. Because of this, students are scared to receive anything less than an A as it could make a huge impact on one's future. Also, most students generally think they deserve a better grade than what was originally earned by them. Students in college take grading policies very seriously because they are the ones paying for their education. True, this is an important matter because, like I said, when I pay for my education then I should receive a grade that I know I earned.
Another well-established strategy for stress reduction and management is that of achieving mindfulness through the practice of meditation. This is the practice of focusing on your own thoughts and feelings, and there is a significant weight of evidence to suggest that meditation and mindfulness have a range of beneficial effects. The American Psychological Association reviewed 1,2 and found that mindful meditation was by far the most effective way in which to live a stress-free life and maintain a healthy level of mental health. Mindfulness and meditation are unique as they can be practiced in many different ways to help reduce general levels of stress or groups of stressors including but not limited to: general stress, work stress, chronic pain, health-related quality of life, anxiety, depression, and more. This means that meditation and mindfulness are widely applicable means to reduce stress for many different people. The techniques behind meditation and mindfulness are ancient and result in stress relief, yet they have caught the attention of the Western world in recent years. When it is broken down, mindfulness and meditation relax and focus on the mind at the same time. People begin meditating by observing simple aspects of the breath, movement, sound, body sensation, or repeating words or a phrase. Mindfulness is adopting the perspective that each sensation and moment can be perceived with a curious, accepting, and non-judgmental mindset, which can enable copers or stressors to think and then overcome their situation. With time, meditators become more effective at observing their surroundings and situations without allowing external disturbances to affect attention and their internal consciousness. This mastery of meditation mindfulness cultivates persistence and focus in the world while strengthening the body's ability to calm itself. This can be key in learning and comprehending the best types of coping mechanisms and recovery techniques for the large number of stressors people face every day. In turn, the reduction of constant stress or stress load helps the brain and body cope and resist disease or disability.
How To Manage Stress While Studying
Throughout life stress is a common problem whether it’s at work, school or home. The many negative effects of stress in fact affect individuals differently varying from health issues to work performance. Therefore, all individuals have different views of stress and various ways of handling it or otherwise managing their stress. Stress is when any living thing feels endangered and its homeostasis is at risk (Varvogli & Darviri, 2011, p. 74). Ways of dealing with stress are efforts of cognitive, behavioral, and psychological nature that allows a person to manage stress. Although there are different causes of stress, there are also many techniques for relieving it. The following articles are intended for the reader to
The way you deal with stress is as unique as you are, there are countless ways to reduce stress. Researchers have made discoveries that latter helps reduce stress because it produces hormones in people's minds that relax and calm them down. Gratitude, being grateful and keeping a journal to help see through the stress and find the good in life and cherish what it gives has been shown to fight stress and push it away as if it were never there. Researchers have discovered that listening to a playlist of natural sounds like a river lowing down a peaceful stream, or waves crashing on a sun stricken beach, is perfect for collage students while studying for that last minuet exam or cramming a research paper. Listening to music has been shown to lower blood pressure and decrease anxiety. For religious students, Christians especially praying is a major part of their everyday life. Using your own words to express the feelings and emotions and problems one faces in their everyday life has been shown to help release stress. Finding ones niche in the world of ways that fight stress may seem scary and stressful in itself but try try and try again and find what works
In fact, according to the American Psychological Association’s 2020 survey, teens who are already under stress due to the normal pressures of high school have felt even more stress in recent years, thanks to the pandemic. About 43 percent of teens surveyed in 2020 said their stress levels had gone up, and 45 percent said they had a hard time concentrating on schoolwork. Many reported feeling less motivated.
Stressing out on things is very common. Everyone goes through stress on various levels, and a lot of people complain about being stressed as they do not understand why we even stress at all. Stress is what you react to that could possibly interrupt your daily routine or your planned activities(Wong, 2017). So for me to understand what it is about, I will explain the results I got from taking the stress tests and all the factors that render my focus away from my tasks due to the topic at hand. How should I deal with my stress level to ease everyday situations?
Tips for students: How to avoid stress from essay writing homework
As a student at Catalina Foothills High School, I believe I have lived up to the tenet of service and display ideals that the National Honors Society seek for in a student and citizen in society. If I am granted membership into the society, I believe I can contribute my qualities to the community as a member of Catalina Foothills National Honor Society and demonstrate the highest standards of behavior to represent our school honorably. To begin, I would like to establish the importance school and grades plays in my life. As of freshman year, my GPA has been a 3.8, but it constantly continues to grow and improve. My grades are a top priority in my life, because I’m aware that in order to succeed in life you need to be knowledgeable of how the world works.
112 Stress Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples
I tend to be stressed out more during the school year, even more so, since I am entering my final year of college. As college is finalizing, not only do I have to deal with my final year, but also worry about grad school. One area I struggle with is multitasking. I get overwhelmed if I have more than a couple things on my mind. I would get headaches and had difficulty sleeping. When stressed, I will be short tempered and act nasty towards my close friends and family. Finally, the most stress I experience comes from the immense pressure and high expectations I put upon myself. I never gave myself a break, and I frequently critiqued myself. I asked myself do I want to spend the rest of my life like this? Asking this provoked me to start coping with stress and learn how to react less (manage/cope) to situations and challenges. If I find myself overwhelmed I will stop, relax, and approach these tasks one at a time. Coping with stress is not easy, but changing how I reacted to certain situations eliminated most of it. Also, doing any form of aerobic exercise (jogging, dancing, and swimming) is great for reducing stress (Myers & Dewall, p.507). Aerobic exercise gives me more energy, helps me sleep better, and elevates my mood (Myers & Dewall, p.507). Life gets more stressful as we get older and we obtain more responsibilities. If I did not learn to cope with stress now, it would greatly
How to Deal with Exam Stress Essay | All Students
I feel like I have gotten to the point where all I wanted to do was sleep because my brain was physically exhausted from getting worked up about things. I have improved my stress level by working out, breathing and talking to my friends and family about problems occurring in my life. All those combined have helped me tremendously and I am not constantly worried that I will not get a certain task done. Reading this textbook has been extremely useful when discussing the types of reactions to stress. I enjoyed reading chapter three and it has allowed me to come up with some discussion questions for class. Are there certain medications used to lower stress level? How does a person know if they are overly stressed? I ask this question because some people do not realize the amount of stress they have until they are told. Lastly, what other advice can one give when dealing with stress? What can help a person