The best way to end homelessness is to have homes for everyone
Homelessness is a significant issue in the United States, affecting hundreds of thousands of individuals and families. This essay proposes a multi-faceted approach to solving homelessness, focusing on housing, healthcare, employment, and policy changes.
However, to provide a worthy resistance to the trend of homelessness, many years need to pass before children can grow up and help in fighting against this issue. In addition, modern curricula are coordinated at different levels, and the inclusion of additional subjects and courses in the learning process may not be approved by the Ministry of Education. As a result, the popularization of the problem among students has relevance as a factor in the dissemination of knowledge about homelessness, but from the standpoint of efficiency, few real outcomes can be achieved.
The popularization of the problem of homelessness in the educational environment can be an effective solution to create an understanding of the issue in the young audience. In addition, this step may contribute to promoting the importance of helping those who find themselves in difficult life situations. Hallett et al. consider cooperation with homeless liaisons as a mechanism for involving students in targeted social work and participation in projects and programs dedicated to public awareness (90). Moreover, the discussion of the issue with primary school students is also seen as an efficient solution contributing to the popularization of the problem and the formation of social responsibility among young citizens. According to Kim, “over 25% of families experiencing homelessness have children” (820). This means that understanding peer problems can raise awareness of the challenges of homelessness among young pupils. As Cronley et al. state, promoting this knowledge in education can help educate future social workers and practitioners who will understand the range of difficulties and gaps and make efforts to address them (S16). Therefore, such initiatives can be seen as potentially viable solutions to address.
Causes and Solutions to Homelessness 1386 words [Essay Example]
From the standpoint of efficiency, the fight against the opioid crisis is a more valuable solution to implement than popularizing the problem of homelessness in the educational process. Moreover, not only in the United States but also in other countries, people feel the relevance of this issue that has more severe implications on human health. According to Mendez, substance overdose is the most common cause of death in homeless people. Controlling the release and distribution of opioid-based drugs may help reduce the influence of pharmaceutical companies. In pursuit of profit, they supply the market with a wide range of hazardous substances, and Daniulaityte et al. compare the current situation with the epidemic (1785). Moreover, Boyajyan argues that “about 20 to 25% of the homeless population in the United States suffers from a severe mental illness,” and one of the reasons for this is drug addiction (8). Pharmaceutical companies need to be held accountable and restrict the distribution of readily available opioid-based drugs to ensure that they do not enter the market freely. This can be done through class action lawsuits, attracting the authorities’ attention, and other measures involving massive interference.
To solve the problem under consideration, the choice of the best working methods is an important task that can be implemented at different levels. As an alternative method for overcoming homelessness in the United States, discussing the issue within the current educational program can be potentially valuable. In addition, overcoming the existing opioid crisis caused by active pharmaceutical companies is an urgent step. The analysis of these solutions may help identify the specifics of the target work in these areas.
Understanding homelessness is very important when working to eradicate it in our society. This enables a person who has not been in this situation to understand how it feels to lack a place to call home. The general understanding is that homelessness is brought by negligence and through events that could have been prevented (Urban Institute). This is not true as there are people who have jobs, are educated, and with stable families but still are homeless. Hence, the biggest reason to understand homelessness and the best way possible to eradicate if not minimize the rate it’s in the country.
At the same time, even with potential constraints, a decision to curb the activities of pharmaceutical companies may not have the intended effect on homelessness. Many corporations are accountable to the government and contribute greatly to the treasury through tax payments. The loss of a significant market share is fraught with losses, which is unacceptable in conditions of economic competition. In terms of the impact on mental health, not all homeless people are ready to accept their problem, and even if the sale of opioid drugs is limited, many of these citizens will be able to find access to them in the illegal market. Moreover, as Boyajyan remarks, few people without a permanent place of residence can afford comprehensive and effective drug addiction treatment due to financial challenges (10). These restraints are objective reasons for finding a more effective solution to the problem of homelessness.
Solutions To End Homelessness Essay
The ugly state of homelessness is present and clearly visible in every street in most parts of the United States. It is devastating to see the homeless people trying to survive the hard life surviving the harsh weather conditions. Many people who have never had a firsthand experience would assume that only the alcoholics, drug addicts and the poor are the homeless. This is unlike what is reality. Anyone can be homeless despite a person’s class, level of education and sanity. Homelessness is a national catastrophe that should be well addressed to help in eradicating in society.
On How to Eradicate Homelessness Essay (Speech)
Any individual who walks through a major city is liable to see a homeless person. They lie on the streets, beg for money, and are generally considered unsightly by those fortunate enough to be in better circumstances; where a lack of stability and poverty intersect, homelessness will always be a given. The question that this brings to mind is how will society react – will these people just be left as they are, or will the government try and intervene for good or for ill? What sort of intervention – carefully regulated and limited job training and shelters with time limits and strict rules, or a gentle, unhindered support for as long as a person need in order to get back on their feet? The plight of the homeless people additionally evokes the…
Answers to: Write an essay about How to prevent homelessness
In order to truly solve the issue of homelessness in the U.S., policymakers and advocates need to consider not only how to end homelessness for specific populations, but how to prevent it in the first place. Otherwise, a revolving door pattern ensues: one might end homelessness for a person or family at a particular point in time, only to have them become homeless again at a later date. Homelessness always has a cause, and to end it we must look at the causes and not just the symptoms. It is only by understanding the underlying issues that we can properly design effective and sustainable interventions. The causes of homelessness are varied and complex, but they can be understood in three categories: structural, systemic, and individual. In their paper for the "National Symposium on Homelessness Research," Martha Burt and Laudan Y. Aron classify the causes of homelessness in these categories in an effort to present homelessness as a complex social problem, rather than the result of individual failings. In doing so, they hope that responses to homelessness will target structural and systemic issues, rather than merely focusing on the financial and personal problems of individuals.
Write an essay about Homeless people and how to help them
Creating affordable housing is a key objective that the authorities need to strive for to overcome the problem of homelessness and provide people in need with an opportunity to count on permanent residence. This decision can have different forms of implementation and should not be associated with colossal spending from the federal budget. For instance, Jackson et al. suggest paying attention to tiny homes that, despite their size, can be an alternative to housing lost due to financial hardship and debts (661). In modern metros, this is possible to realize such an idea, and today, there are examples of special camps in which formerly homeless people have a chance to count on a roof over their heads and minimal amenities. Olson notes that in Los Angeles, in 2019, more than $538 million was spent on solving the issue of homelessness, which, however, did not bring the desired result due to mainly legislative rather than practical solutions. Therefore, the construction of special residential complexes is one of the forms of the program aimed to create affordable housing.