You can also browse thousands more This I Believe essays by .
(These essays are now featured in weekly broadcasts on Bob Edwards‘ satellite and public radio shows.) In reviving This I Believe, executive producer Dan Gediman says, “The goal is not to persuade Americans to agree on the same beliefs.
This I Believe and This I Believe II have been used in the following Common Reading Programs: All-School Read (Secondary Schools) • Cherokee High School (Marlton, N.J.) – 2011 • Kimball Union Academy…
Rather, the hope is to encourage people to begin the much more difficult task of developing respect for beliefs different from their own.” Selected contemporary This I Believe essays were featured in regular broadcasts on…
And writing a This I Believe essay is just the first step.
There are currently four curricula: Download the Middle School Curriculum (PDF) Download the High School Curriculum (PDF) Download the College Curriculum (PDF) Download the Lifelong Learners Curriculum (PDF) (All require Adobe Acrobat) Brochure and Poster for Use in the Classroom Download this free brochure and poster to promote This I Believe activities happening in your classroom.
Educational Curricula These educational curricula were designed to help educators guide students in the writing of a This I Believe essay appropriate for inclusion in school writing portfolios.
Resources for Using This I Believe with Students To help teachers guide students through exploring their beliefs and composing personal essays about them, we offer the following tools.
Brochure and Poster To help spread the word about your This I Believe House of Worship activities, please download this free brochure and poster to promote the project and related activities happening in your congregation.
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To help you do this in your community, we offer the following tools: Discussion Guides This guide can help you engage a group of people in a moderated conversation about belief and values.
This I Believe Essay Showcase | Learning & Tutoring Services
Assistant Director Ramin Yazdanpanah says, “This I Believe essays are an invaluable resource to our students for reading development and cultural awareness.” Click here and here to read essays by students from around the globe.
“This I Believe” Essay – Write What Matters
Tallahassee, Florida At the Center for Intensive English Studies at Florida State University, a This I Believe project is helping ESL students develop their language skills by having them share life experiences that have shaped their beliefs.
Power Lesson: “This I Believe” Essays - Cult of Pedagogy
I believe in the worth of every human being and think that the finest thing about us is our capacity to love. My parents were simple people who never attempted to spin out in words a formal philosophy of life. But they had the capacity to subordinate self to the needs of other people. They gave us an unshakable faith in the worthwhileness of human life and an optimistic belief that despite man’s abuse of freedom, and his many defeats in the lifelong contest between good and evil, God wants us to win the battle, not to lose it.
This I believe-- Essay - Young Writers Society
Use this feature to browse through the tens of thousands of essays that have been submitted to This I Believe. Select a theme to see a listing of essays that address the selected theme.
Student essays: This I Believe - Pine Knot News
1. While the examples you’ve been given can serve as a model, it is essential that each of you write about a personal belief or philosophy that you feel strongly about.
2. Tell a story. Personal experiences are the corner stone of a good essay. Your story doesn’t have to be a heart breaker or even a major event, but it must be something that has affected how you think, feel, and act.
List your personal experiences that you intend to use as evidence below:
3. Be concise. Avoid repetition. This essay should be between 500 – 650 words. When read aloud, it should take roughly four minutes.
4. Name your belief. It is essential that you can name your belief in a sentence or two. Focus on one belief only.
This is your thesis. Write it here:
5. Be positive. Avoid preaching or persuading. You aren’t trying to change the way others think or act. Write about what you believe, not what you don’t believe.
6. Use the first person. Speak for yourself. Avoid using we or you.
7. Let your voice shine. Use language that sounds like you. Read it aloud as your revise. Keep making changes until your essay sounds like you and captures the essence of your belief.