Please tell us why you want to attend UMass Amherst?

To make sure your essay aligns with the school’s offerings, log on to UMass Amherst’s website. Take some time to look at the major and school you’re interested in, and then write a response that shows what you love about that particular subject. Use the very short word limit to discuss what led you to choose your major, as well as how your interest has developed over time.

One hundred words isn’t a lot for a “” essay. Go through UMass Amherst’s website, attend information sessions—you might even look at social media profiles for school programs and clubs. Seek out academic, extracurricular, and career opportunities that appeal to you and write about those. Make one or two factors or resources you are most excited about the central points of your response.

Make sure you address the learning side of the prompt. While this (obviously talented) student has been able to connect their interests (art and photography) with what they’ve learned (the power to connect individuals), we don’t clearly see what they learned about themselves along the way—and that’s an important part of the prompt. One way the student might’ve addressed that part of the prompt, had they been writing this essay for Amherst, would be to explore what they learned about connection or curation specifically and how that applies to other areas of their life.

Copyright University of Massachusetts Boston

For quote 2, here’s an essay that was actually written for another school: UT Austin. But notice that if the author just shifts the few phrases and details specific to Austin (we’ve bolded them) the essay can fit this Amherst prompt perfectly, since like all good essays, the focus is the student and their values, qualities, etc. We’ve left the original so you can see how it would double up. This is what we mean by writing a “super” essay.

UMass Boston allows students to self-report SAT and ACT test scores. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will use self-reported test results for the purposes of completing an application, rendering an admissions decision, and, if applicable, awarding merit scholarship.

Applicants who enroll at the university will be required to submit official SAT or ACT scores prior to enrolling. Students who falsify self-reported test results and/or do not provide official scores prior to enrolling may have their admissions decision rescinded and/or scholarship revoked.

UMass Boston allows students to self-report SAT and ACT test scores. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will use self-reported test results for the purposes of completing an application, rendering an admissions decision, and, if applicable, awarding merit scholarship.

Applicants who enroll at the university will be required to submit official SAT or ACT scores prior to enrolling. Students who falsify self-reported test results and/or do not provide official scores prior to enrolling may have their admissions decision rescinded and/or scholarship revoked. To submit your official test scores, please contact:

UMass Medical School Secondary Application Tip #4: You must have a strong “Why UMass.” Talk about projects and research you want to do at University of Massachusetts. Additionally, you should convey how you want to improve the health of fellow Massachusetts residents. Tying your essays to improving Massachusetts residents’ health is a must! Get our help on your UMass secondaries through our .

How to Write the UMass Amherst Essays 2024-2025

We love that Amherst gives you the freedom on campus to pursue the things you’re curious about and interested in, and this prompt is a great way to show them the curiosity and passion you’ll be bringing to campus. In some ways, this could be considered an extracurricular activity essay (which we’ve got ). But Amherst doesn’t just want to know what you did. Instead, this is for some deep introspection about how you’ve changed because of your pursuits. How did you grow because of your experiences?

UMass Amhersts 2024-25 Essay Prompts

Do you want feedback on your UMass Amherst essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.

Mastering UMass Amhersts Supplemental Essays: Your 2024 Guide

Get started on your UMass Amherst supplemental essays today! With the right approach and tools like at your disposal, you'll craft compelling essays that showcase your unique story and aspirations.

UMass Medical Secondary Application Essay Prompts

Get started on your UMass Amherst supplemental essays today! With the right approach and tools like at your disposal, you'll craft compelling essays that showcase your unique story and aspirations.

UMass Amherst Common App Essay Examples

For this prompt, focus on specific aspects of UMass Amherst that excite you. Mention programs, faculty, or campus culture that resonate with your academic and personal goals. Highlight what unique opportunities UMass can provide for you—and vice versa. Personalized details show genuine interest, which admissions officers value. Need help brainstorming? Check out , where you can get feedback on your essay drafts!