Animal Farm Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” is a powerful political allegory that highlights the dangers of ignorance, and how it can be exploited to maintain power and control over others. The novel centers on a group of farm animals who rebel against their human owner and take control of the farm. However, the pigs, who are the most intelligent and manipulative of the animals, use their power to oppress the other animals and maintain their own dominance.

This essay examines two examples of the ignorance of the other animals, and how this ignorance gave strength to the pigs. The first example is the other animals’ inability to recognize the pigs’ true intentions. When the pigs take control of the farm, they claim that they are doing so for the benefit of all the animals. They promise to create a fair and equal society where everyone will be treated equally. However, the pigs are actually using their power to enrich themselves at the expense of the other animals. They take the best food and living quarters for themselves, and they use their control over the other animals to keep them in line. Despite all of this, the other animals are unable to see what is really happening. They believe the pigs’ lies, and they continue to trust them even as they are being oppressed. [.]

The second example is the other animals’ inability to understand the concept of propaganda. The pigs use propaganda to control the other animals, but the animals do not realize what is happening. For example, when the pigs change the farm’s commandments to suit their own interests, the other animals do not question it. When the pigs start using slogans like “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others,” the other animals do not see the contradiction. This ignorance gives strength to the pigs because it allows them to control the narrative and manipulate the other animals.

Animal Farm Theme Essay Flashcards | Quizlet

The effectiveness of contrast in the exploration of oppression in “Animal Farm” is evident. Orwell uses the stark contrast between the pigs and the other animals to illustrate the dangers of ignorance and the ease with which it can be exploited. The pigs are intelligent, manipulative, and power-hungry, while the other animals are trusting, naive, and easily manipulated. This contrast allows Orwell to highlight the dangers of oppression and the importance of being aware of those who seek to exploit us.

The most interesting character I found was Squealer. My reasons being, he served Napoleon following everything he said. Whist using excuses and lies to justify Napoleon’s treacherous acts. This made him to be like an under-dog whose purpose was to corrupt, exploit and confuse the other animals on the farm.

Though Animal Farm can be considered nothing more than a charming animal fable depicting a doomed rebellion, its origin is actually of a more serious and political nature. It is not only the tale of Napoleon and Animal Farm, but a satire and commentary on that of the Russian Revolution, Stalin and Communism. For a person to gain a true understanding of Orwell's meaning in Animal Farm, it is best that he or she has an understanding of the political parties and history surrounding Communism, Stalin, and the upheaval and fear that followed Stalin's rise to power.

The rebellion was to escape from people and their cruel ways, but can they escape the death-grip of their own kind? The animals of animal farms are mistreated and have no rights. Mr and Mrs. Jones were the owners of Manor Farm, the human oppressors, and authoritarians of the animals. The animals rebel against the Jones and take over the farm. They create a utopian society for themselves, but the utopia quickly turns into a dystopia when the pigs take control of the farm. In many ways, Animal Farm is a complete allegorical / fable –like retelling of the founding of the Soviet Union, complete with a rebellion and eventual installation of a dictator. Like the ideological battle that was raged in Russia between the classes, the one that is played out in this novel have many of the same themes, including an initial push to strengthen the working class, a strong beginning movement of nationalism and unity, a series of successful efforts to topple the ruling authority (Mr. Jones), all followed by a complete totalitarian takeover by a dictator who is a hypocrite and goes back on many of the promises he made at the height of the revolutionary action.

Essay on Animal Farm | EssayGenius

Orwell’s book showed his opinion on the government of Russia. His writing put the point across that dictators will not be best for the future. He wanted a government that was not just one person was in control of everything you could say or do. Orwell was not afraid to have his opinion out in the open for everyone to hear.

In Animal Farm, two themes were shown throughout the book. One theme was “Not everyone is equal; some people believe that they are more superior than others.” another theme was “People deserve to have their own thoughts and ideas. These were shown when Napoleon used his powers for hurt hurt not for the better of the farm. He used his powers to create a farm that is not equal for everyone. This book sends a message that people abuse their powers in a wrong or hurtful

Animal Farm Sample Essay Outlines

Forster said that, "A work of literature must... tell us more than we already know," which means that literature has to show a something new, give us a new perspective on a subject or topic. Orwell 's "Animal Farm" and Vonnegut 's "Harrison Bergeron" both show a new perspective on equality by creating a dystopian universe. A theme in Animal Farm is that society follows a class structure and how governments can create them. It makes you think about how an oppressed peoples can become an oppressive government.

The theme of ignorance in Orwells “Animal Farm” Essay

"The seven commandments would be inscribed on the wall; they would form an unalterable law by which the animals must live by forever," said Snowball. "For once Benjamin consented to break his rule, and he read out what was written on the wall-All animals are equal. Some are more equal than others." Theme 1: Animal Farm is most famous in the West as a stinging critique of the history and rhetoric of the Russian Revolution. Retelling the story of the emergence and development of Soviet communism in the form of an animal fable, Animal Farm allegorizes the rise to power of the dictator Joseph Stalin.

Themes of Freedom and Equality in Animal Farm

Some will blindly accept their lack of freedom but others will vehemently fight for their right to pursue happiness, would you? The story of Animal Farm follows a group of farm animals that revolt and drive away their human leaders. They change the new system and proceed to create a system where all animals are equal. This can be compared to the society of Anthem where people's rights are restricted. Freedom and will is taken away and directed towards the common goal of always helping others and being a group.