A Great Pitt Honors College Essay Example | CollegeVine Blog
When deciding which interests to focus on, remember your other Purdue essay. You can discuss your intended major in the second of the required Purdue essay prompts. With this in mind, make sure you don’t delve into topics better suited for other Purdue essay prompts. Instead, use this Purdue supplemental essay to talk about interests that you have not discussed in other areas of your application. After all, you want each Purdue supplemental essay to showcase a different part of your identity.
Once you have created your list of interests, identify several that you would like to write about in your Purdue supplemental essays. This Purdue supplemental essay doesn’t give you much space; picking one or two interests, therefore, will help you stay within the word count and give your essay some structure.
Primarily, I wish to pursue a graduate education and therefore will be required to be accepted, and be capable of affording education after my undergraduate studies. The Honors College allows me, as a student, to ultimately receive the most education and experience during my undergraduate years, so that when I am in graduate school, I am a prime candidate, not only in school, but also in the work force. With that said, I will most likely be prepared, and financially obligated to enter the workforce. The prior experience and assistance from the Honors college, through the Praxis Labs and living and learning communities, will allow me to make connections with people and my field, so I am able to capitalize on my…
Honors College Application Essay Examples
Next, research Purdue to see how your interests overlap with opportunities Purdue offers. The Purdue essay prompts are a chance to show off the research you’ve done; for example, talking to Purdue admissions representatives or visiting campus. If any of these interactions relate to one of your chosen themes, mention them in this Purdue supplemental essay. This shows your knowledge of Purdue’s strengths as a university.
Before starting to write this Purdue supplemental essay, think about your interest in Purdue. Write down a list of reasons why Purdue made your college list. Does Purdue offer a particular program that interests you? Or does Purdue’s campus culture fit your vision for your college experience? The best responses to the Purdue essay prompts will include specific details.
Some of the main reasons why I am interested in joining the Honors College at Purdue University is the opportunities they offer for everyone. The Honors College will provide the mentoring and support to find a useful career after college. While at the Honors College, I am also able to discover many other students who have the same interests as me, which will open up new challenges to pursue in. The faculties they have will help me achieve in any degree I am striving for, thus making me very successful later down the road. I feel that the Honors College is capable of providing what they have to offer.…
We share essays from previously admitted students—along with feedback from our admissions committee—so you can understand what made them effective and how to start crafting your own.
Honors College Supplemental essay examples from Purdue University
My interest in the honors college derives from the environment that I have grown up in since my sixth grade year. Like many of those applying to the honors college, I was separated from many of my peers into a group of children who showed an advancement in intellectual ability at an early age. This allowed us to work together with suitable partners to help each other learn and develop new ways of thinking. The honors college will serve much of the same purpose and allow me to maximize my learning experience while at Purdue. I do, however, believe that this gives individuals like myself an unfair advantage over my peers.…
Tips for Writing an Honors College Essay
Many Honors College application deadlines are hard deadlines, so the time you submit matters down to the minute. Late applications are not accepted. Hold yourself accountable and devise ways to ensure that a date mix-up doesn’t make you miss out on an amazing Honors opportunity.
Honors College Application Essay Sample
Sousa offered a bit of advice to help the more disquieted among us find their peace. He encouraged applicants to reach out and introduce themselves to Honors college admissions staff, demonstrating their interest and engagement and providing an extra reference point for the people reviewing their application. He said that if a student is on the cusp of being admitted or waitlisted, speaking to them sometimes helps him make a more confident decision. He cautioned against too much contact, though: Play it cool.
Honors College essay requirements ..
He also made a point to remind students that the Honors college admissions staff are humans who sometimes make mistakes. Admissions is a numbers game; there are limited spots available, and negative decisions aren’t personal. “I’m not a judge! I'm making a determination based off the information I have. It’s not a reflection of your value as a person.”
Boston University Kilachand Honors College Essay
Honors coursework demands substantial writing, and it’s held to a higher standard of quality. If you don’t pay attention to detail on your application essay, it sends a bad signal that you’re not prepared to take on Honors coursework and you’ll likely be denied.