Consequences of marijuana consumption on health. introduction
Thirdly, the legalization of marijuana could lead to increased availability and accessibility, which could result in more people using the drug, including young people. Research has shown that the use of marijuana during adolescence can have a negative impact on brain development and may lead to long-term problems with cognitive function.
Marijuana legalization has been a topic of interest for many years in this country. How to regulate it? Tax it? Where it can be used? By whom? How old? Who can sell it? Federally legal or locally legal? The penalties involving it? All of those are questions that have been debated about and fought over in courts of law. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have been jailed for minor crimes involving Marijuana. It has many proven benefits both economically and medically. The times are changing and prohibition against marijuana is starting to fade away. Although still illegal federally, it is now fully legal in eight different states, and medically legal in thirty! This is great progress, but still isn’t enough. Marijuana will soon be legalized. There is plenty of benefits and I am fully for the legalization of marijuana nationwide.
The dispute over the legalization of cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, is one of the most controversial issues ever to take place in the United States. Its use as a medicine has existed for thousands of years in many countries across the globe. Legalization should be considered despite efforts made by groups who say marijuana is a harmful drug that will increase crime rates and lead users to other more dangerous substances. The legalization of marijuana can improve our society by helping with our economy, freeing legal resources, and benefiting the overall health of the nation though medical uses.
Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized Essay
Marijuana! What comes to mind when you think about that? Is it a lazy teen sitting on the couch; is it a tool that can be utilized by police to target people of color? Whatever it is that comes to mind when thinking about marijuana you have a stance on whether it should or should not be legalized. Many might deem Marijuana as a gateway drug, or even addicting. Most responses that one hears in the opposition of legalizing marijuana are regurgitated propaganda that has been force fed down the throats of Americans since the elementary days of campaigns like D.A.R.E.. Very seldom is the other side of the argument ever presented let alone spread to the masses. What is the other side of the argument, one may ask? The arguments of those in favor could go on for days; But the arguments that will be focused on will be, the fact that medical research is now debunking a lot of myths surrounding Marijuana usage, how the government uses marijuana as a tool to target people of color and criminalize them, as well as the profitability the government would see legalizing it rather than not.
Lastly, legalizing marijuana would create a number of societal problems, including increased drug-related crime, a rise in drug-related accidents and injuries, and an increase in healthcare costs associated with marijuana use.
The legal status of marijuana has been widely debated, with opinions ranging from its potential benefits such as increased tax revenue and reduced incarceration rates to its potential risks such as negative impacts on individuals and society. As we grapple with this issue, it is important to consider the health and safety of all involved and to gain a full understanding of the evidence before making any decisions. The choice on whether or not to legalize marijuana should be based on an analysis of both the data and the values and concerns of those affected by this issue.
Marijuana! What comes to mind when you think about that? Is it a lazy teen sitting on the couch; is it a tool that can be utilized by police to target people of color? Whatever it is that comes to mind when thinking about marijuana you have a stance on whether it should or should not be legalized. Many might deem Marijuana as a gateway drug, or even addicting. Most responses that one hears in the opposition of legalizing marijuana are regurgitated propaganda that has been force fed down the throats of Americans since the elementary days of campaigns like D.A.R.E.. Very seldom is the other side of the argument ever presented let alone spread to the masses. What is the other side of the argument, one may ask? The arguments of those in favor could go on for days; But the arguments that will be focused on will be, the fact that medical research is now debunking a lot of myths surrounding Marijuana usage, how the government uses marijuana as a tool to target people of color and criminalize them, as well as the profitability the government would see legalizing it rather than not.
Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legal Essay Sample
Millions of people around the world are consumers of marijuana. The demand for legalizing marijuana has grown throughout the years. Users of marijuana pledge for it to be legalized to avoid the prison life. For now, marijuana is an illegal drug in almost all countries. With the demand of it increasing, the legalization of marijuana has grown to be a very controversial topic recently.
Why Marijuanas Should not Be Legal Essay
If marijuana is regulated and taxed properly, it can generate millions of dollars that can help pay the debt of the US and/or help cities rebuild a better infrastructure. Marijuana has become the third most popular drug in the US behind alcohol and tobacco. It is a renewable resource and is not just used for smoking; it can be used to make paper, oils, and cloth. Every year millions of tax dollars are being spent to enforce marijuana laws. If these laws were repealed and marijuana was legalized, we would not only make money from the marijuana, but we would also be using a lot less money to enforce marijuana laws.
What are some good reasons why marijuana should not be ..
Writing a well-crafted why marijuanas should not be legal essay requires careful planning and attention to detail. When tackling a topic as controversial as the legalization of marijuana, it is important to approach the subject with a clear and well-informed perspective. In order to write a persuasive and effective essay, it is essential to conduct thorough research, use credible sources, structure your essay carefully, consider counterarguments, use clear and concise language, and edit and revise your work. By following these guidelines, you can create a well-argued and compelling marijuana should not be legalized article that persuades readers to see your perspective on the issue.
[PDF] Should marijuana be legalized in the United States?
Firstly, marijuana is considered a psychoactive drug that can affect the brain and impair cognitive function. The use of marijuana can cause short-term memory loss, reduced concentration, and impaired judgment, which can increase the risk of accidents and injuries. This is especially concerning when individuals who are under the influence of marijuana operate heavy machinery or drive a car.