Compare and Contrast Essay MLA Format

Whenever you use outside sources, you will be required to cite those sources. There are different methods of citation. One of the best places to go for guidance on how to cite different types of sources according to a variety of methods is . There you can search MLA, APA, Chicago styles and more.

The conclusion is where you close out your essay. Re-iterate your main points, re-state your thesis in new words, and highlight your over point one more time in a way that is fresh so that your reader will go away with that final thought. Thanks to these easy to follow steps, you now know how to start a compare and contrast essay. Good luck!

The body is where you build out your paper. There are a couple ways to do this. You can discuss each topic, one paragraph at a time, or you can discuss both at the same time within the same paragraph. Depending on which you choose, your paper will have a different flow, but the main structure will be the same. Each paragraph should consist of its own topic, whether you are discussing the qualities of one subject or how the two subjects compare/contrast on one particular point. You can have as many paragraphs as you do topics to cover. Figure at least one paragraph for each topic and a paragraph in which the points are synthesized into the greater meaning for a minimum total of three body paragraphs.

Outline in Basic MLA Format for Comparison or Any Essay

For example, your thesis could look like this: “This paper will compare and contrast Batman and Superman and show why in Frank Miller’s comic book universe, the Dark Knight reigns supreme.”

Citing in MLA is easy. In-text citations should follow direct quotes as well as any time source material is referenced that is not common knowledge. The direct quote in-text citation should include the author’s name and page number on which the quote is found—like this (Miller 98). If you’re not directly quoting anything but merely referencing an idea, you can just use the author’s last name for your in-text citation (Miller). Then in the Works Cited page at the end of the paper, you will want to provide the source information. For a book, it would look like this:

The thesis statement is where you explain the purpose of the paper. Of course, we know that you will be comparing and contrasting two or more subjects—but tell the reader why you are doing that: what is the point of the comparison? What greater understanding is the reader supposed to walk away with?

How to start a compare and contrast essay is really not as difficult as you might think. First, all you need to do is introduce your subjects. Start by making a point about each one. For example, say: “Batman may not be nigh-invincible like Superman, but he represents something far more human than the latter does for people like Frank Miller.” You can follow this line with a word or two about who Frank Miller is and how he portrays the two superheroes in his works. Then wrap up the introduction with your thesis statement, which should tell the reader exactly what you are going to do in your paper and how you are going to do it.

Researching Compare and Contrast Essays

Choosing the right topics is an important part of this type of essay, as it doesn’t do any good to try to compare or contrast two things that really have no relation to one another. For example, what would be the point of comparing a baseball stadium with an F-16 fighter jet? Sure, you could point out a lot of differences and maybe even find some similarities (they both do have seats)—but what would be the purpose? Such random comparisons don’t really capture the spirit of the essay. You should try, therefore, to find topics that work and from which you can draw a larger point. Here are some examples to help you out:

[PDF] The Compare/Contrast Essay: What It Is and How to Construct One

In the outline example above, the topics chosen are two films that share the same characters but differ in terms of plot and tone. Moreover, comparing and contrasting them helps to reveal the richness and variety of the films’ producer’s vision. Thus, they such as perfectly natural subjects for a compare and contrast essay.


An outline does not have to be divided up into sections just like the one above. Depending on how you prefer to approach your essay, you may want to discuss the two subjects independently of one another by addressing all the elements of the first subject, then in the next paragraph describe the second subject and then in the third paragraph discuss the similarities and differences of the two. A fourth paragraph could follow that builds on the third and explain what the findings should mean for the reader. Then of course you tack on a conclusion and you’re good to go!

Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Guide

Batman and Superman are two heroes in the DC Comics universe—but for one legendary comic booker creator, the two superheroes are not even in the same league. Frank Miller penned The Dark Knight Returns in 1986 and pitted Batman against Superman, with Batman representing a moral principle and Superman acting as a Fascist “government lackey” (Yogerst, 2013). This paper will compare and contrast Batman and Superman and show why in Frank Miller’s comic book universe, the Dark Knight reigns supreme.

Compare and contrast essay structure

B. This paper will compare and contrast Babe with Babe: Pig in the City to show how producer George Miller uses character and place to create an .