Write essays with AI and go COMPLETELY Undetectable.

Merlin's AI writing detector is designed solely to recognize content that is AI-generated, paraphrased, or written by humans. Additionally, Merlin offers several other tools such as a , , and , which can significantly enhance the quality of your writing.

This tool is limited to identifying text that is AI-generated, paraphrased, or written by humans. It does not have the capability to analyze images, videos, or other forms of rich media content.

AI detectors can indicate characteristics found in human-written text as well as characteristics commonly found in AI-generated writing, such as language patterns that seem robotic or generic.

Write, study, and research faster while remaining undetectable

Finally, creating sections individually allow you to add nuances and variations typical in human conversation but not usually found in one long piece generated by an AI program.

Teachers use various tools to detect AI-generated content, like Turnitin, Merlin, Quillbot and GPTZero. However, in recent case studies it is found that Merlin AI detection tool gives more accurate results than Quillbot and Turnitin.

No. Our AI content checker can only inform you of AI-generated, paraphrased and human-written content. Our can assist with preventing unintentional plagiarism in your writing.

While text-based AI tool is powerful in detecting AI content, they may have limitations in identifying nuanced emotions, understanding highly technical or domain-specific language, and accurately interpreting creative or abstract expressions.

Pros: Acting as a backup free AI content detector.

To sum up, the coming of AI detectors for text is a big shift in how we handle and comprehend huge amounts of written information. These instruments are vital for many areas, from content monitoring to brand safety. This tool will help in adapting to changes made by Google's new policy regarding AI-generated content. This helps to follow the rules and avoid getting penalized by Google. It shows that these devices are very important for dealing with changes in digital content and sticking to set regulations by bodies like Google.

Was this text written by a human or AI?

Following the one year anniversary of the public launch of ChatGPT, Chief Product Officer Annie Chechitelli sits down with the publication to discuss Turnitin’s AI writing detection feature and what the educational community has learned.

AI & Plagiarism Detector for Serious Content Publishers

For example, human-written text may be more varied and nuanced than AI-generated text and may also contain more colloquial language and cultural references specific to human experience.

Write, study, and research faster while remaining undetectable

This tool is ideal for identifying and verifying the authenticity of content, confirming that material was created by a human and not by AI. This makes it invaluable for academic institutions, publishers, and businesses that value creativity and originality in their products.

Rated #1 Best AI Detector by Forbes!

Whether you’re crafting blog posts, optimizing product descriptions, or generating SEO-friendly content, embracing Undetectable AI could significantly enhance your digital footprint.

“Making AI-generated content more human-like”

The mission of Undetectable AI is not just about providing sophisticated ai writing tools; it's about making these tools accessible to a wide spectrum of users.