How To Write an Essay Conclusion (With Examples)

To start a conclusion for an essay, begin with a reference to the original question. If, for example, the essay question asks “How did the Battle of Monte Casino change the course of WWII?”, start with “The Battle of Monte Casino was a crucial moment that reflected the shifting dynamic of WWII.” Additionally, start your conclusion in a natural way, without obvious transitions like "In conclusion." For example, begin with "A sense of the impermanence of human achievement..." instead of, "In conclusion, a sense of the impermanence.."

● Start your conclusion with a generic phrase such as “in conclusion” or “in summary.” These transitions are fine within the body of your paragraph, but not as the starting point.

Now that we’ve shown you how to start a conclusion, it’s important that you know what NOT to do at the beginning of your conclusion paragraph. Like any part of your essay, there are certain things you should avoid doing in this section to make sure you get top marks and check all of the boxes your professor is looking for.

How To Write an Essay Conclusion (With Examples) · 1

● Make your conclusion too short or too long. It should be relative to the length of your essay. For example, if your essay is 10 pages long, your conclusion can be a full page.

While we’re on this topic, transition words should also be included in conclusion sentences within the body of your essay as well. At the end of each body paragraph, you need to have some sort of transition that leads into your next point.

Ultimately, your conclusion paragraph is meant to answer the “so what?” for your reader. At the end of the day, you’re writing this essay to make a certain point, whether it’s to reflect on something, to convince your reader of your perspective, or to answer an . Why should they care about what you have to say?

Here’s an example of a conclusion paragraph that uses both first- and second-person pronouns to connect the thesis statement (provided above) to the student’s own perspective on stealing:

How to End an Essay: Writing a Strong Conclusion

Transitions are an important part of any essay, and they should be included in your conclusion paragraph as well. Transition words are used to connect sentences and ideas together to help them flow effectively and form relationships between main points. Since the entire point of your conclusion paragraph is to summarize and wrap things up, transition words are key here.

How To Begin And End Your Essay

With Homework Help USA on your side, there’s no need to learn how to start a conclusion if you’re not into it. We will happily do it for you! In fact, we’ll take on your whole essay so you don’t have to do any of the hard parts.

How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay (Examples Included!)

I've always struggled with finishing things, and the same applies to how I write my essays. It would be nice to hear some thoughts on how I can begin the conclusion paragraph, thank you in advance!

How to Write a CONCLUSION with EXAMPLES: Essay Writing Tips

Often students feel tired from the effort of researching and writing an essay and toss in a few rushed words to finish up. But, the conclusion is the last paragraph your marker will see of your writing effort. So, it is worth putting in the last dregs of your intellectual energy to come up with a convincing conclusion. Fortunately, conclusions have a pattern (recipe) you can follow so that you can write a convincing conclusion.

examples, an easy way to write a conclusion paragraph for an essay

Remind the readers of why the topic matters to them personally. For example, it doesn’t matter much if you believe in the mission of animal shelters, if you're not planning to get a dog; however, once you're looking for a dog, it is much more important. The conclusion of this essay might say, "Since you’re in the market for a dog, you have a major decision to make: where to get one." This will remind the reader that the argument is personally important!

How To Write a Conclusion for an Essay: Expert Tips and Examples

Conclusion paragraphs are about 5% of your essay word count (e.g. about 50 or so words per 1000 word essay). In clearly-written sentences, you restate the thesis from your introduction (but do not repeat the introduction too closely), make a brief summary of your evidence and finish with some sort of judgment about the topic. You can follow this basic pattern (recipe) for writing introduction paragraphs to help you get started.